
gyu August 5, 2024 3:52 am

what is going on in the comment section this is so funny

    Shielded Guard August 5, 2024 2:57 pm

    So many dumb people think Dan was raped by Jaekyung. And they also claim to be victims of rape what a joke. They don't know what they are talking about.

    Bold Guard August 5, 2024 3:59 pm

    Please avoid engaging with cyberstalkers who commented as Shield Guard. Interaction can escalate the situation and potentially lead to more harm. It’s best to report and block them instead.

    The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.

    It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
    Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.

    Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.

    Bold Guard August 5, 2024 4:10 pm

    That is because I believe Jaekyung raped Dan.

    Guardian Sentinel August 5, 2024 4:18 pm

    They changed their name to my name to say something that would escalate the situation as they pretended to be me. It is pathetic behavior.

    Guardian Sentinel August 5, 2024 4:35 pm

    I feel pathetic to be so threatened by trolls. I never talk about Jinx.

    gyu August 6, 2024 1:47 am


    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 7:03 pm

    Please ignore all the comments above. I take full responsibility for every word they say since they are my alt accounts. I have schizophrenia.

    Bold Advocate August 8, 2024 7:40 pm

    To everyone reading, please be aware that someone is repeatedly stealing identities and spreading false information in an attempt to silence differing opinions. These actions don't change the facts or the targets opinions—they just demonstrate desperation and an inability to engage in honest discussion. Every time they resort to cyberstalking and impersonation, it only highlights their weakness and the futility of their efforts.

    They are deliberately trying to create confusion and spread falsehoods by stealing identities and making baseless accusations. By continuously stealing identities, you're not proving a point; you're showing that you can't handle open discussion and have to resort to deception instead.

    But let it be clear: these attempts won’t deter us. In fact, they only strengthen our resolve to continue standing up against these dishonest practices. Everything they steal our identities or resort to cyberstalking, it only reinforces that they are unable to refute the points made with substance. These actions do not change the truth. They just demonstrate their desperation. No matter how many times they copy us it will not silence the truth or change anything.

    I encourage others to recognize these actions for what they are: a waste of time and a sign of someone who can't engage constructively. Please don't be misled by these tactics, and if you witness this behavior, I urge you to ignore it to the platform moderators. The more we stand together against this, the less power these cyberstalkers will have to disrupt our conversations.

    Their efforts will never silence the truth or change our stance. If anything, they prove just how important it is to keep speaking up.

    Bold Advocate August 8, 2024 7:44 pm

    In this situation, there are cyberstalkers and their targets. One of the cyberstalkers is trying to blur the lines between us and them, pretending that the targets are actually them. While they may claim to have schizophrenia, it’s important to emphasize that the targets are not them, and we are not them. Their goal is to harm the targets by pretending to be one of us.

    -One of the targets that has their identity stolen many times.

    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 7:57 pm

    To everyone reading, please be aware that someone is repeatedly stealing identities and spreading false information in an attempt to silence differing opinions. These actions don't change the facts or the targets opinions—they just demonstrate desperation and an inability to engage in honest discussion. Every time they resort to cyberstalking and impersonation, it only highlights their weakness and the futility of their efforts.

    They are deliberately trying to create confusion and spread falsehoods by stealing identities and making baseless accusations. By continuously stealing identities, you're not proving a point; you're showing that you can't handle open discussion and have to resort to deception instead.

    But let it be clear: these attempts won’t deter us. In fact, they only strengthen our resolve to continue standing up against these dishonest practices. Everything they steal our identities or resort to cyberstalking, it only reinforces that they are unable to refute the points made with substance. These actions do not change the truth. They just demonstrate their desperation. No matter how many times they copy us it will not silence the truth or change anything.

    I encourage others to recognize these actions for what they are: a waste of time and a sign of someone who can't engage constructively. Please don't be misled by these tactics, and if you witness this behavior, I urge you to ignore it to the platform moderators. The more we stand together against this, the less power these cyberstalkers will have to disrupt our conversations.

    Their efforts will never silence the truth or change our stance. If anything, they prove just how important it is to keep speaking up.

    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 7:58 pm

    In this situation, there are cyberstalkers and their targets. One of the cyberstalkers is trying to blur the lines between us and them, pretending that the targets are actually them. While they may claim to have schizophrenia, it’s important to emphasize that the targets are not them, and we are not them. Their goal is to harm the targets by pretending to be one of us.

    -One of the targets that has their identity stolen many times.

    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 7:58 pm

    Do not copy my replies, cyber troll.