Ml is so annoying

hachi_wuu August 5, 2024 3:08 am

Ml is so annoying

    Ugly_Rose August 5, 2024 11:04 pm

    tbh he's better than most ML in these types. Got to love how low the bar is these days

    JustUWU August 6, 2024 9:48 am
    tbh he's better than most ML in these types. Got to love how low the bar is these days Ugly_Rose

    You mean the bar is high? If the bar is low, it would mean that even the bare minimum from the ml is praised by the readers. And there is no praiseworthy for the ml's actions anyways, all he did so far r the bare minimum. All I can say it that the whole family of the ml is annoying. Despite the fact that I've read many manhwas with fl's who have families that r obsessed and overprotective of them, I've never ones thought it was annoying.. now that we get the pov of an outsider, it's freaking weird and annoying.

    shitcory August 12, 2024 7:29 am
    You mean the bar is high? If the bar is low, it would mean that even the bare minimum from the ml is praised by the readers. And there is no praiseworthy for the ml's actions anyways, all he did so far r the ba... JustUWU

    Nah, I get what you mean, but I agree with the other person that the bar for MLs is really low even today ( ̄∇ ̄") for this story he's being decent/even good for a simple story with simple characters (which this is, and there's nothing too wrong there), the bar being low is that many of us consider this to be decent/okay considering the story and all and how typical MLs can be like. But like you said, this should be the bare minimum.