folks complaining about same face syndrome is so funny like name me a bl that actually has...

dudewhatlmao August 4, 2024 9:51 pm

folks complaining about same face syndrome is so funny like name me a bl that actually has a wide variety in facial features. god i can't even remember the last time a dude with a hooked nose or wide-set eyes or pointed cheek bones is featured in this genre. the artist just has a distinctive art style and specific preferences for drawing men, just like 90% of other artists in this genre. yall want same face syndrome? try 'dreadful night'. love that bl to death, but the characters have the same faces and stilted dead-eyed expressions, with the only things differentiating them being their hair and clothing.

    C.... August 5, 2024 6:00 am

    it’s so typical that any criticism on here is met with “this is like every other one why complain ”

    tongtong August 6, 2024 12:56 pm

    True I didn't even notice that the artist "have" same face syndrome cuz I can easily differentiate the characters lol