Looking for a korean smut PLEASE HELP

honeycrisps1 August 4, 2024 7:29 pm

does anyone know about a korean webtoon smut that the story line is about how this actor in real life died and she got sent to the middle realm (not heaven not hell) and she had to finish a mission she is kind of like an actor that helps the characters so that the story line will go on as planned by the author of the book/ manga (i cant remember). Her name i think is Elise. The story of the book/ manga goes like this male lead is married to the girl but then the male lead isn’t supposed to be a big male lead in yhe original story but somehow the male lead falls in love with the girl ( not supposed to be like this) so the story line changed The girl lead also has a brother but the brother who has healing powers is like a helper that helps her navigate through difficulties and there is one evil guy who is the king’s son who will be the next king and he then calls for all of the magicians (different families who are influencial - including the male and female lead to celebrate his birthday but actually he wants to steal the female lead for himself) which the male lead knows and so he tries to prevent it from happening
