This comment section...

Eve August 4, 2024 6:17 pm

This comment section is HILARIOUS. The amount of crazies, copium, and poorly thought out arguments is amazing. You've got impersonators/cyberstalkers, ppl mad af about others calling Jaekyung a rapist, which he is, and a whole lot of back and forth. The creativity tho with describing how garbage this manhwa is, is peak commentary. Genuinely this comment section is way more entertaining than this dogshit of a manhwa. Like others said, Mingwa should've stopped at BJ Alex bc clearly they got some issues.

    Shielded Guard August 4, 2024 6:25 pm

    It’s clear that this comment section is a hotbed of strong opinions and intense emotions. However, there are a few misconceptions and inaccuracies that need clarification:

    Opinions on Jaekyung: The discussion about Jaekyung’s actions is indeed polarizing. While some view his behavior as sexual abuse, it’s important to note that legal definitions and personal interpretations of terms like "rape" can vary. The debate is about different perspectives on the story, not about anyone being "mad" at others for their views.

    Impersonation and Cyberstalking: The issues of impersonation and cyberstalking are serious and should not be trivialized. These actions are harmful and illegal, and they disrupt meaningful discussions. It’s concerning to see such behavior being downplayed or even endorsed.

    Harassment: It's important to distinguish between constructive criticism and harassment. Enjoying or supporting content that involves harassment is problematic and reflects deeper issues.

    Let’s aim for a more respectful dialogue and focus on discussing the content and its merits without resorting to harmful behavior or spreading misinformation.

    Bold Advocate August 4, 2024 8:26 pm

    Btw the guy's alt account who's the rape apologist whining and crying about being impersonated is Shielded Guard aka Morning diamonds

    Shielded Guard August 4, 2024 10:32 pm

    The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting. They are so obsessed with Morning Diamonds it is not even funny. Looks like they want Morning Diamond to come back but if they do, they are not engaging with cyberstalkers. Which Morning Diamonds has been clear. That is not their main account.

    It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
    Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.

    Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.

    Shielded Guard August 5, 2024 2:55 pm
    Btw the guy's alt account who's the rape apologist whining and crying about being impersonated is Shielded Guard aka Morning diamonds Bold Advocate

    So what if I am? Just because I am a rape a rape defender does not make me a bad person.

    Secure Beacon August 5, 2024 4:46 pm

    I changed my name. The comment from Shielded Guard is a cyberstalker that stole my identity using debunked arguments that only deflect themselves as they are talking about their actions instead of their targets.

    Please avoid engaging with the cyberstalkers who are impersonating others. They’re trying to create confusion and escalate the situation. Responding can make things worse. For your safety and to prevent further harm, it’s best to ignore and block them rather than interacting.

    Secure Beacon August 5, 2024 4:49 pm

    Here are some more usernames I literally just wrote off the dome for you Morning diamonds

    1. Unyielding Force
    2. Unbending Bastion
    3. Reliable Fortress
    4. Resolute Protector
    5. Valiant Keeper
    6. Steady Watchman
    7. Durable Sentinel
    8. Unflinching Guard
    9. Steadfast Aegis
    10. Rocksteady Defender
    11. Unshakeable Guardian
    12. Vigilant Rampart
    13. True Custodian
    14. Unyielding Keeper
    15. Solid Guardian
    16. Constant Sentinel
    17. Stronghold Beacon
    18. Steady Watchtower
    19. Resolute Citadel
    20. Resilient Wall
    21. Ironclad Protector
    22. Noble Guardian
    23. Vigilant Steward
    24. Fortified Shield
    25. Resolute Fortress
    26. Resolute Rampart
    27. Tenacious Guard
    28. Stalwart Fortress
    29. Ironclad Aegis
    30. Unbending Keeper
    31. Unyielding Custodian
    32. Valiant Sentinel
    33. Unshakable Pillar
    34. Steady Watchdog
    35. Stronghold Rampart
    36. Unyielding Defender
    37. Resilient Keeper
    38. Resolute Outpost
    39. Faithful Watchman
    40. Vigilant Fortress
    41. Stalwart Bulwark
    42. Unshakeable Keeper
    43. Loyal Watchtower
    44. Vigilant Rampart
    45. Sturdy Custodian
    46. Unyielding Watch
    47. Tenacious Guardian
    48. Unyielding Watcher
    49. Constant Guardian
    50. Stronghold Keeper
    51. Solid Custodian
    52. Valiant Guardian
    53. Noble Bastion
    54. Resolute Outpost
    55. True Defender
    56. Steady Fortress
    57. Ironclad Watchman
    58. Reliable Protector
    59. Steadfast Shield
    60. Resolute Rampart
    61. Unbending Sentinel
    62. Noble Sentinel
    63. Reliable Defender
    64. Resolute Pillar
    65. Ironclad Fortress
    66. Steadfast Watchman
    67. Unyielding Shield
    68. Resolute Guardian
    69. Stalwart Custodian
    70. Unshakable Outpost
    71. Valiant Watchman
    72. Resilient Defender
    73. Solid Aegis
    74. Faithful Rampart
    75. Vigilant Pillar
    76. Tenacious Shield
    77. Constant Shield
    78. Noble Watchman
    79. Unflinching Bastion
    80. Steady Outpost
    81. Unbending Watchman
    82. Resilient Rampart
    83. Valiant Sentinel
    84. Stronghold Custodian
    85. Resolute Shield
    86. Loyal Rampart
    87. Unshakeable Guardian
    88. Sturdy Aegis
    89. Steadfast Fortress
    90. Noble Outpost
    91. Vigilant Aegis
    92. Unyielding Rampart
    93. Reliable Watchman
    94. Solid Outpost
    95. Tenacious Fortress
    96. Valiant Shield
    97. Unflinching Watchman
    98. Stronghold Sentinel
    99. Faithful Custodian
    100. Unbending Guardian

    Bold Advocate August 5, 2024 5:20 pm
    Here are some more usernames I literally just wrote off the dome for you Morning diamonds1. Unyielding Force 2. Unbending Bastion 3. Reliable Fortress 4. Resolute Protector 5. Valiant Keeper 6. Steady Watc... Secure Beacon

    You are so smart and tall and handsome and rapey and famous <3 I could never come up with so many non-cringy 2 worded usernames like that.