I disagree.. I get you point
But the thing is he really thought she was going to die so he tried to let it silde as her punishment (while Heeseo didn't know that)
Tge moment heeseo stabbed him, it didn't matter anymore whatever she survived or not as he also had to pay the price and luckly he survived...

these hypocrite and self-righteous freaks under my comment lmao yall shouldnt read stories like this, or better never touch fiction if u cant take different opinions from others. rape apologist? i never said it was okay, but they reap what they sow. u guys never thought of being on heeseo's shoes so can just mindlessly agree to what taekyung and his fam did and it shows lol. stab? u thinks thats enough when heeseo's life even before his mother died became miserable? he shouldve turn his mother to the police thats the right thing to do! he deserves to know that. its fine if u dont understand that what im trying to say, go on, get angry at random people with different thoughts than u, that just make u the people u hate the most kkkkk

Of course turning the mother was the right thing to do, which he planned on doing
But we don't know what has happened yet as to why that didn't happen besides her beating the cancer ..
That's why I said that maybe him being stabbed played a huge part in his decision not to seek justice anymore for heeseo (which I would understand, if someone tried to kill me and betrayed my kindness- not knowing the full picture as to why I stayed silent- I will be in trauma too)

nope, the moment he came back home and turned his back to heeseo and said those words when heeseo was literally begging for him to stay, where he needed it the most? are we reading the same thing here? he literally forced heeseo to forget everything and be alone again. so nah, i understand heeseo doing that esp if im mentally unstable and confused of everything and i dont have anyone but him. but still, heeseo said something like taekyung is looking for him or expecting him to appear, thats fishy, it seems like he cant let go of heeseo as well, we dont know why, probably, guilt from abandoning him again..

homie im right here reading this fucked up shit with you, doesn't mean i think he DESERVES IT??
there's nothing self-righteous about it, we're just not stupid??? basic media literacy is reading fucked up shit and being able to say 'even though i read and enjoy reading fucked up shit, i understand that it is wrong'
ur fully saying that if someone lies about something they deserve to get raped and kidnapped.... psycho behaviour. psych ward. now. taekyung didn't even kill the mum, he didn't even LIE he just didn't say anything... scary that ur out in the streets.

lmao i know it is wrong, but this is my opinion so what are you guys so worked up about it? hard stop? how about not coming under my comment which im entitled to bcs even tho i said deserve, doesnt mean i ignore the fact that what hes doing are crimes (esp the first rape when he just got 20, thats fucked the most lol) but do you ever see where heeseo is coming from here without prejudice? look at him as the kid who lost his mom, became an adult at a young age yet his mother died where he almost died too and thought his mom tried to do suicide with him for the rest of his childhood life until he got older and met taekyung who keeps hiding it, but learned the truth anyway, but it gives him hopes so hes willing to forget everything until the person who gave him hopes turned his back at him, i dont know why would you think a person who got through all that would turn out to be sane. ofc the first thing you should think, this person needs a therapy, this person needs someone who wouldnt abandon him so he wont have ill feelings and make them have the only option is to do unthoughtful actions to a person. we, humans create the villains here, they just dont became an insane person the first day (except ofc psychos who has kill intend no matter what, thats a different story, thats not heeseo) and you're here trying to ignore those, like those people irl who failed people who do crimes, you shouldnt just ignore them or avoid them, but help them to be like the right person you're saying, make them realize what theyre doing isnt right, give them more options to think other than those bad things. i hope you dont do this irl, bcs you're just creating more villainous people by ignoring them. dont be the taekyung who ignored them and choose to side his mother even though theyre wrong, he shouldnt have ignore what they did just bcs its a family, hes a prosecutor, he should know better whos the victim here. dont be like taekyung's mother who only thinks of herself.

you know TK might not be doing well mentally either considering he basically got r*ped like 500 times by heesoo (dubious consent is not consent) and had to deal with his mom being the murder of someone he loved a lot as well + deal with heesoos outbursts + deal with heesoo weaponizing his mental health and threatening to off himself if TK leaves + also being kidnapped in the end-. Yeah you're right, he should know better who the victim is here. It's himself. TK is the victim rn.
Also he did not side with his mom, go reread the chapter. he ONLY let her go bcuz he was sure she was gon die. He legit said ''go turn yourself in'' He prob didnt want to tell heesoo the truth because idk, maybe he was uhm, scared of like Heesoo beating the shit out of him? We've seen heesoo be pretty fucking violent so like we wouldnt be surprised.

'do you see where heeseos coming from without prejudice?'.. so ur saying if someones got a tragic enough backstory it entitles them to rape people?
bro ur waffling on about heeseos tragic backstory as if worse hasn't happened to people and they manage to NOT rape people lmao? ur literally writing paragraphs defending rape here its actually bonkers and ur giving me the moral lecture about LYING im screaming you must be a 12 year old
lmao am i the only one who's happy here? tae kyung deserve that after turning a blind eye when he knew everything. his mother beat the cancer after guilt tripping his son saying shes going to die either way so he didnt turn her to the police and now, shes running for congress? what a laugh, how could she? when shes the reason a child suffered from what she did? so i think deserve kkkk go for it heeseo! kill them all! just dont get caught, i hope the author wont touch cliches stuff from now on, him getting caught would make the story like other trash stories, its time for evil to win, dont you think so? hwaiting (๑•ㅂ•)و✧