So if we go back to Chap 28...

Fallynn August 4, 2024 2:47 pm

Sher reads Kas a fairytale about the witch. In the fairytale it states the witch bets a wager of some sort and if the human wins she will grant them a wish for anything and if they lose she will take their soul. It continues that even though the bets are always in favor of the human the witch has never loss because a soul "full of love" makes her more powerful and she refuses to lose out on that. In the middle of the story Kas, states he must be really powerful since he loves Sher (his mother) so much, and if that isn't a foreshadowing I don't know what is.

If I had to pin point, I think the witch knew that Sher's whole family had the potential to be full of love, but that none of them currently were. Sher only thought of her mother, and wasn't a fan of her husband and son so there wasn't any love there, and because the husband and son weren't loved by their wife and mom there wasn't a "full of love" soul within them either. But if she could send Sher back in time and eliminate the reason why Sher was having such a hard time accepting the love of the people around, she could get get them to be a loving family, and take the soul that she wanted who was the most filled with love. Which I would assume would be Kassel based on chap 28.

This is just my hypothesis though~

    Jade August 4, 2024 5:20 pm

    I highly doubt she can take the soul of someone outside of the bet even if they are a child of someone inside the bet. I'm worried mc might become soulless and therefore heartless for a little while unless she proves she didn't lose the bet because she actually wants to be Elle not Sher or something like that.

    Fallynn August 4, 2024 7:30 pm
    I highly doubt she can take the soul of someone outside of the bet even if they are a child of someone inside the bet. I'm worried mc might become soulless and therefore heartless for a little while unless she ... Jade

    Hmm, I would normally agree, but the fact the Sher asked herself what the witch was gonna take away from her led me to believe differently. Like let's say that the witch does try to take her soul, and can totally see the husband our son finding out and offering theirs instead and Sher would have to figure out how to get it back. I honestly don't think her soul is the answer for the witch. Then again, it's just my speculation. Lol Whatever happens, happens~

    Jade August 5, 2024 6:23 pm
    Hmm, I would normally agree, but the fact the Sher asked herself what the witch was gonna take away from her led me to believe differently. Like let's say that the witch does try to take her soul, and can total... Fallynn

    That's fair, maybe if one of the boys offers their soul it would be accepted since the witch supposedly wants love filled souls. There's always the potential that the witch isn't actually a bad person and is all knowing because she's some sort of god and she isn't actually going to take anything, she just wants the people to admit the truth to themselves

    Fallynn August 5, 2024 9:20 pm
    That's fair, maybe if one of the boys offers their soul it would be accepted since the witch supposedly wants love filled souls. There's always the potential that the witch isn't actually a bad person and is al... Jade

    That would be a nice turn of events. She seemed abit twisted? Jaded? I guess antagonistic maybe the best word I can think of. Not evil, but not good. So her trying to do good, even with harsh lessons wouldn't be a bad spin either~

    Jade August 6, 2024 3:48 pm
    That would be a nice turn of events. She seemed abit twisted? Jaded? I guess antagonistic maybe the best word I can think of. Not evil, but not good. So her trying to do good, even with harsh lessons wouldn't b... Fallynn

    I'm just expecting a plot twist right about now because we've all been foaming at the mouth to know what's gonna happen with the evil winter witch and it's pretty common to have the men swoop in and save her yada yada but nowadays people make the twists all about gods so her omniscience made me suspicious