BL is BL

Ere August 4, 2024 10:48 am

Whatever you call the lead - it is a man both in words, movements, way of thinkig and behavior. If you want to write bl just do it why intrude here and make the lead a girl?

    Riha August 4, 2024 12:33 pm

    What a weird thing to say . God forbid we have a non stereotypical FL

    GrievingSanctuary August 4, 2024 1:24 pm

    Funny coz I'm female and I relate to the female lead a lot and I find ml very attractive as well. You should go out more, you seem like you don't have enough friends and life experiences to widen your worldview.

    Flyingleaf August 4, 2024 2:10 pm

    What is bro on about. Have you never seen a masculine woman in your life? Get yo stereotypical ahh out of here

    LavaLulva August 4, 2024 3:50 pm

    fuck ment to dislike cause as a BL reader wtf is this opinion

    LordTrashii August 4, 2024 4:00 pm
    fuck ment to dislike cause as a BL reader wtf is this opinion LavaLulva

    me too bro i never expect the first comment i see be such a hot (garbage) take

    ImJustHereMan August 4, 2024 4:17 pm

    wtf on are you on about. I hate Bl obsessed assholes like you. You got to make everything about it in anyway you can and ruin it for the real BL lovers who read in a healthy way. Get help and go touch some damn grass since you can’t even handle a slightly fem ML and a more masc FL. The girl still wears dresses for fucks sake. Not everything has to be about gay men

    Taefirstwife August 4, 2024 5:56 pm

    She behaves like your usual masc girl. many girls irl have similar personality trait like her, for example, being direct, assertive, independent, clear decision making, and didnt buy into gender norm. Please meet actual people tf

    STEWIE August 4, 2024 6:14 pm

    you should've just eat your opinion and keep it to yourself or stick it up in yo ass because what the fck is this shit.

    Ere August 4, 2024 7:46 pm

    Wow... You are such a dirty mouthed bunch! Heaven forbid someone is not in love with "not steriotipica" fl. I kinda knew you'd froth at the mohth but the only actual difference is that they exenged fl and ml apearances and that's all. And you run around screaming how unsual. You are so shallow ladies

    Riha August 4, 2024 8:09 pm

    Ah yes speaking against someone pushing the gender norms is very shallow . Sure .

    Ere August 4, 2024 8:19 pm

    Norms are subjective and saying that a girl acting feminin is boring and typical and needs to "push against gender norms" to be interesting is truely shallow

    Ren August 4, 2024 8:28 pm

    Girl, what are you even going on about? This just seems downright misogynistic lol

    Riha August 4, 2024 8:42 pm

    Who said feminine FLs are boring ? Nobody here said that.They are just more common . You say norms are subjective then you also say just because she doesn't behave like how you view a woman should she should be a man this should be a BL . If this isn't shallow and contracitory I don't what is . I was just baffled by your take . I am not even huge fan of this one

    Ere August 4, 2024 8:55 pm
    Who said feminine FLs are boring ? Nobody here said that.They are just more common . You say norms are subjective then you also say just because she doesn't behave like how you view a woman should she should be... Riha

    I compared it to several other works with similar plot but male instead of female mc and can you guess what in behavior, clothes or speach was different? Nothing. It is not a girl acting differently it is litterally just a copy of a typical ml. But there are so much admiration for such a cheap move....
    That is why I wrote that angry comment about it being BL: I love different fl from gentle flowers to ruthless fighters. But this particular work felt like a cheap fraud

    STEWIE August 4, 2024 11:09 pm
    Wow... You are such a dirty mouthed bunch! Heaven forbid someone is not in love with "not steriotipica" fl. I kinda knew you'd froth at the mohth but the only actual difference is that they exenged fl and ml ap... Ere

    your opinion is somehow bs and pls do check you spellings because i nearly got cancer reading it.

    Ere August 4, 2024 11:21 pm
    your opinion is somehow bs and pls do check you spellings because i nearly got cancer reading it. STEWIE

    Don't joke about it - you already have it , like right now.
    And yes, I misspell because I kinda hope people like you will not be able to pass it by - you are such an easy mark

    STEWIE August 4, 2024 11:28 pm
    Don't joke about it - you already have it , like right now.And yes, I misspell because I kinda hope people like you will not be able to pass it by - you are such an easy mark Ere

    No space before comma, dumbass. TRY AGAIN.

    Ere August 4, 2024 11:40 pm
    No space before comma, dumbass. TRY AGAIN. STEWIE

    When have I insulted you personally? But probably you do have a brain tumor , you poor thing. Or just a tumor and no brain?) Obviously, you had to resort to mere insults since you cannot find words in your condition, right? I appologize for making you spend yourself like that.

    Emme August 5, 2024 2:39 am

    This is a tomboy… and a funny tomboy at that.if you see absolutely no difference between her and a man than you haven’t met enough different people in your life yet and that’s ok. and how is it intruding, if you don’t like masculine fls and prefer reading about more feminine ones there are literally so many to pick from, like you’re gonna be so ok by giving this 1 star and reading something else. Just not the most intelligent take

    Visenya August 5, 2024 4:12 am

    u already getting cooked but u deserve it cus ur opinions garbage