Nah, dude [Rant]

Catastrophic August 4, 2024 8:42 am

Rereading the comments about the mother. Ain't no way she "knows her daughter best". I'm glad Arnee wasn't suffering in her time being a housewife, because she was still forced to be in that position. Doesn't matter if she "came around". Her mother socially pressured her, no qualms given to the distress caused in the meantime, and said "bygones are bygones, she'll love marriage in the end no worries." I get it's a different era, but what happened to confidence and independence? It frustrates me how pushy the mother was about it. Tbh a little bit of my anger is the secondhand hit to my pride at the mother being sooo smug she got her daughter to like being married. That doesn't change the facts of the impact of her constant action against Arnee. There's no "what if they had a moment together before the story" nor "but Arnee could've always wanted to-". She was disinterested. Simple as that. I don't hate the mom but I def dislike her as much as I'm farr from liking her. I don't despise the romance genre. Or even the sudden marriage. It was her constat bickering, nitpicking, pushing, and shoving the mom pulled to get Arnee married first, happiness after. There was better ways ro feel out Arnee's possible interest in romantic/familial relationships. And that ain't it.
