I read it in aboht 2-3 hours, and id say Definitely wouldn't waste your time on it. The story's okay, but it's way to rape-y for my taste. Also it feels very rushed, it got a bit confusing on the time line too. The fathers death could've been so much better if they had expanded on it. The detective also just gave up? Like yeah he was forced to but it shouldn't have ended there once he found out who did it he should've taken it into his own hands, also the whole part about burning the house down just for him to stay in the mansion? Felt very rushed and over all unsatisfying.
I read it in aboht 2-3 hours, and id say Definitely wouldn't waste your time on it. The story's okay, but it's way to rape-y for my taste. Also it feels very rushed, it got a bit confusing on the time line too. The fathers death could've been so much better if they had expanded on it. The detective also just gave up? Like yeah he was forced to but it shouldn't have ended there once he found out who did it he should've taken it into his own hands, also the whole part about burning the house down just for him to stay in the mansion? Felt very rushed and over all unsatisfying.