this comment section is snowflakes vs og readers

stargenio August 4, 2024 6:49 am

this comment section is snowflakes vs og readers

    GySix August 4, 2024 6:53 am

    ain't no way bro just called people against rape "snowflakes"

    stargenio August 4, 2024 7:10 am
    ain't no way bro just called people against rape "snowflakes" GySix

    Imagine being really butthurt about fake characters in a fake scenario. There is hundreds of other manhwas to read. In fact, go make your own and then you can do whatever you want with your make-believe characters.

    Seaweed August 4, 2024 8:47 am


    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 11:13 am
    ain't no way bro just called people against rape "snowflakes" GySix

    Ain’t no way you’re using a strawman argument and assuming OG readers are not against rape or stories like Jinx.

    First, Jinx depicts sexual assault, not rape. Second, reading stories like *Hogu Hagyeongsu* doesn’t mean someone supports rape; they can still condemn rape in real life. Do you read horror stories as your selections suggest? Does that mean you support murder? Your statement is a gross misrepresentation of reality.

    Snowflakes = those who can’t read or understand this genre.
    OG = those who understand this genre and don’t blur reality with fiction.

    Why don’t you try to understand instead of making such harmful and misleading arguments?

    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 11:35 am

    This is one of GySix’s already read. It is bloody and has fantasy violence. I open two chapters and both had decapitations.
    This is not my cup of tea. However, using GySix logic does this mean GySix supports violence and decapitation??
    Demon slayer is another one on GySix. It is bloody, fantasy violence, has deaths, people turning into demons, and eating human skin.
    Does loving FANTASY violence equal to loving and supporting violence irl. No it is doesn’t.
    Saying people who understand stories with fantasy sexual violence supports sexual violence irl is a harmful
    misleading strawman argument. It is disturbing how people try to hurt others especially with such flawed logic.

    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 12:26 pm

    I have extensively explained on my alt account TMSM that rape in yaoi stories are fantasies for women in particular, in fact women fantasizing about rape is normal and healthy. I will disregard all the panels where clear rape from Jaekyung onto Dan is portrayed, because I wish to diminish the crime from rape to mere sexual assault. Moreover, if we arr talking about rape, Dan is the only rapist in the story for taking advantage of drunk Jaekyung despite the fact that Jaekyung proved to initiate it all other times when sober. If we are still counting, all users who accuse of Jaekyung for being a rapist are rapists themselves. As they have added rape in a story that doesn't contain it. I will bring in more of my alt accounts in the near future when I need more support.

    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 12:28 pm

    And by my own definition, I am the snowflake. Because I don't understand the story thanks to wilful ignorance. Although, I will proclaim to be a super-fan of jinx. That said, I never share my opinion. I never contradict myself either. In my opinion, Jaekyung never raped Dan. That's a fact though.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 1:36 pm

    The first two comments from "Persistent Quill" are mine. However, the subsequent comments are from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 2:17 pm

    The account above is my cyberstalker. Do not engage.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:46 pm

    The last l comment from "Determined. Writer" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.
    They will copy this one too. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:50 pm

    The user above was formally known as Morning diamonds, yes that rape defender and self admitted predator. Beware of his gaslighting tactics. Thank you for your attention.

    Courageous Commentator August 4, 2024 2:58 pm

    The last l comment from "Valiant Voice" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. They are obsessed with Morning Diamonds and are spreading misinformation about them. I am not Morning Diamonds. They are using an intimidation tactic. What they are saying here is them being honest about themselves as they pretend to be their targets and pretend their targets said what they said.

    I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.
    They will copy this one too. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation

    Courageous Commentator August 4, 2024 3:04 pm
    ain't no way bro just called people against rape "snowflakes" GySix

    Now. If you take a moment to understand.
    I have a cyberstalker who is attempting to steal my identity and harm others. They want to slience others that are different from them or force them into their opinions.
    This is more than your strawman argument.
    Let’s revisit this and match it to the true as shown here.

    Snowflakes = those who can’t read or understand this genre. This person can’t handle anything other than their opinion to where they will harass to cyberstalk others spreading false information about their targets.

    OG = those who understand this genre and don’t blur reality with fiction.

    Resilient Narrator August 4, 2024 3:24 pm

    I am schizophrenic and I am fighting air.

    Resilient Narrator August 4, 2024 3:25 pm

    By my own definition, me and my alt accounts Morning diamonds TMSM and Aloha are so called ''snowflakes''. I refuse to believe Jaekyung raped Dan therefore he hasn't and everyone is wrong.

    Shielded Guard August 4, 2024 6:55 pm

    That last two comments from "Resilient Narrator is the cyberstalker and not my frined. You can tell the difference. Engaging meaningfully is challenging when identity theft and spam attacks complicate the discourse. it is easy to tell the cyberstalkers from the targets. The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult.

    It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
    Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.

    Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.

    Bold Advocate August 4, 2024 8:08 pm

    The cyberstalker brought in his alt account above. Beware as he used that account to groom a minor and impersonate another user with which he harassed her because she wasn't a rape apologist.

    Safety Sentinel August 4, 2024 8:31 pm

    The account above is the real Morning diamonds.

    Shielded Guard August 4, 2024 8:36 pm

    That bold Advocate and Safety Sentinel are cyberstalkers.
    The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.

    It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
    Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.

    Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.

    Bold Advocate August 4, 2024 8:41 pm

    The cyberstalker's alt account is Shielded guard. Do not be fooled by his gaslighting and use of Chatgpt to misconduct the truth.