fl is literally 16 and kaya IS mentally sick. she isn’t leading him on she’s just happy to have a sibling it’s not her fault that he has romantic feelings for her and is very dependent on her. she’s not a licensed therapist she doesn’t know how to deal with him. yes she needs to work on putting boundaries but let’s not blame her.
hey guys dont slander nasu. hes so green flag. i dont see why you guys throwing hate to him. hes doing all right?
kaya and FL is the one had sick things in mind. FL leading kaya and idk man shes not draw the boundary with kaya despite kaya numerous attempts kissing him etc.
for kaya, hes sick. i know he has something going around with his background but that doesn't mean you can pull that card for ur shitty behaviour? for step bro/sis part, they're not! not blood related and hes not that man son. but yeah he sould be honest with his feelings towards FL and confess