Novel readers, please respond!

ReviewRaptor August 4, 2024 1:48 am

I now reached chapter 75 and I really have to ask: Is the romance part in the original source ALSO this badly done as in the comic?

Their relationship went from failed flirting attempts or just badly portrayed emotions to 'suddenly Imma confess and we both have bad reactions to it all'. This felt WAY out of order, too random and confusing to see unfold all of a sudden. If at least a few chapters beforehand she was constantly reminding us that she had deep emotions, then sure, but there was barely anything at all in those 75 chapters. I think you can count them on one hand even. And I mean where the emotions actually got portrayed well and visually and per context of the situation made a clear step forward in the romance aspect of things.

Is the novel the same? Is there just as much of a lack of emotions being conveyed in their romance scenes?

Because if not then I really have to wonder what the comic creators were doing. They put so much effort into literally every other little fart that's going on, but the basically second-place focus (the romance) isn't being done even mid-tier well.
It's quite the disappointment considering the writing otherwise seems to be decent or great even. So this feels really strange to me. As if the author (novel OR comic, I dunno) just didn't give a shit about the romance part being portrayed well or at all even.
The romance up to this point is SO badly done in the comic, it's as if it was shoehorned in so it's not only a slice of life/political drama story. Which I could totally see being a thing tbh, it has the plot for it anyway.
