Ines in her third life runned away with her lover who was worker and had a baby with him but at the end the man and baby were k1lled. That jewel was gifted by that man to Ines before he was k1lled, later in her 4th life she saw that she was shocked and tried to buy it but failed. Carcel knows and wants to the reason ...

The jewel is a pendant that Ines’s grandmother bequeathed to her. In the previous life, after sleeping with the painter guy, she gave him the pendant in memory of that night. In this current life, the painter made an imitation of that pendant and left it at the jeweler for Ines to recognize. Ines has the real pendant in her possession. The one at the store is a fake.
Carcel learned that Ines wanted to buy the pendant at the jeweler so he’s trying to get it. He doesn’t know that Ines already decided she doesn’t want it anymore and she dropped the entire issue of getting it from the jeweler. Readers don’t know this last part because the manhwa cut that out too. The morning after she woke up after almost dying, she’d decided she will not pursue the jewel anymore because she was determined to live her life peacefully and quietly and declared to herself that no one can get in the way of that goal. Not even the painter.

When a person dies in a way that’s unfated, he gets to make wishes in the afterlife. His wish was that his memories of his past life will carry over to this current timeline so that he can avoid Ines so he doesn’t hurt her again. The problem is, when memories are given that way, they only come periodically so some of his memories began to return in his late teens to early 20s. Ines is different in that her memories are from regression so she remembers the experience of them since she was 6 years old. The painter’s memories are more like given visions because he didn’t actually live them out in this life. Using those memories, he crafted the fake pendant and left it at the jeweler for Ines to find. After he died he realized that Ines had her memories in the previous timeline. So I guess he assumed that Ines has memories in this timeline as well although it would clearly mean she must have committed suicide or died an unfated death. Those are the two ways for a person to get memories. So he left that pendant probably hoping for Ines to find him thereby reneging on the original purpose of his wish.

Is his wish just to be recognized?
He wants Ines to have a comfortable life than be with him, yet he wants Ines to recognize him. Its like he seeks the slightest chance for Ines remember their time together. Showing he can't help but unable to move on. He only decides he can't be with her because it can hurt Ines, but deep down he pities their fate and wants Ines to at least acknowledged they're ever real.

I’m not exactly sure what he wanted because even Carcel tells him it’s like he left the pendant to tell Ines to come and look for him. Obviously he might have entertained thoughts of them getting together but that was soon squashed when the angel delivered a vision to him of Ines strangling his child to death and then stabbing herself in the neck. Angel basically intervened because he will only cause harm to Ines as we saw she almost died from just seeing the pendant. She hyperventilates because she doesn’t want anyone to know she committed such a crime as killing her own child least of all the child’s father and Carcel as well.
See, while he might think everything is going good for him since he had an anonymous sponsor, it’s Ines who suffered the most by far. He died from a gunshot but Ines lived and had to face everything alone so she is the one who was deeply traumatized. It’s even worse when the story reveals he didn’t have to die. Carcel gave him a way to escape and promised he would bring the child to him so that both him and the child can leave the country. It’s the painter who decided to run back to Ines after Carcel already devised the plan with him and left the scene. That’s when the painter encountered Luciano. It’s not even like he didn’t know soldiers were hunting for them under imperial order. Carcel hid them for a night to keep them safe. That’s how dangerous the situation was.
Yes, he also probably wanted Ines to remember him. He and Oscar are alike in this. They both want Ines to remember them no matter the pain she endured. The only person who didn’t demand she remember him is Carcel. Even when he remembers his original life with Ines, he doesn’t reveal it. It’s Ines who brought it up and reveals to him that she remembered their first life together and she apologized to him for giving him a difficult time as his wife back then.

Some people seem to read on Tappytoon. I used to read there but don’t anymore because the translator likes to change things from the original and I prefer to read what Kim ChaCha, the Korean author, actually wrote because her writing is heavily nuanced in some places and I don’t think a translator has the right to tell me what to think. Of course if it’s the only place to read, people read there. I read the original Korean and the fan direct translation that is the closest to the original Korean.

Yes, which is very human. The irony is, despite this, both Ines and Carcel see him as a saintly guy. lol Ines will always mostly see only the good about him especially since she feels very guilty about causing his death. Carcel does the same too. He’s a good person but his actions are indeed selfish like most humans. For example, he keeps saying that Ines deserves a better guy but his actions always led him to seek her out even when she’s set to marry someone he said is a better match. So it’s like saying one thing and doing another or speaking out of both sides of his mouth. lol
However, as a reader, I do think Carcel is the most selfless person in this story. For example, when she was with the crown prince and when she was with the painter, he helped her selflessly. All he wanted was her happiness. Not for a moment did she suspect he loved her. Why? Because he kept his distance and hid his feelings. He never wanted to cause her trouble. That is only one instance. The story will reveal all the things he did behind the scenes for her without her even knowing it. He never sought her attention or thanks. So it’s very strange that now he’s the husband once again, her former lovers won’t leave them in peace because they want Ines to notice them.
To his credit though, the painter guy eventually sends a message to Ines via Carcel and he tells her to forget everything and blame him for the child’s death. While his forgiveness did give Ines some peace, in the side story, Ines tells Carcel that the painter lied and she knows she’s the one responsible for her child’s death. Carcel listens to her air her grievances and consoles her.
By that time she and Carcel now shared all their secrets. The only secret they have between them is their children from the original life. Carcel refuses to tell her about them since he received the full memory of that timeline but chooses to bear the pain alone. He thinks Ines doesn’t know about their children who died but Ines knows. She wants him to bring them up so that he can share his pain with her but he refuses to remind her of their lost children because he doesn’t want her to bear anymore painful memories.
Pls help me remember what jewel is carcel looking for and why specifically that jewel