other alphas set the base line in hell level 7. you see hell level 6 & thinks that's a green flag?
he's still extremely possessive & he reacts very childishly to the littlest things. the beta has trouble even telling him basic things, & it's the way societal repurcussions has to happen to the beta for him to actually take a step back, instead of j taking a step back because his partner is uncomfortable with it
j because he loves the beta & allat doesn't make him a green flag. j because he eventually listens after throwing a tantrum, doesn't make him a green flag. j because he makes gentle love, doesn't make him a green flag. j because he thinks you're special, doesn't make him a green flag

he's defintely got red flag warnings. j because you're used to FLASHING NEON LIGHTS of red flags, doesn't mean muted ones are automatically green. green means he allows the beta autonomy over his schedule & choices, & respects the beta's opinions in not interfering with his life. green means he's able to intake what the beta's uncomfortable with & change his ways j because of that, instead of only reeling in because the beta is facing societal repurcussions. green means considering the beta's life, instead of barreling in. being a GREEN FLAG means that person is doing more than j BASIC human decency, especially when him being a green flag is the most emphasised thing by y'all

i mean he doesn't respect the beta's opinions until the beta experiences social repurcussion because of his actions, instead of j doing what the beta says j for the sole fact it makes him uncomfortable. ntm the beta has said time & time again that he doesn't want the alpha to interfere with his workplace life (such as putting in a word for him to change his shift to the day time), yet he did so anyways. the way he controls the daily life of the beta is icky, the storyline focuses a lot on how the alpha impacts the beta's life & practically takes control of it, & we barely learn about the beta himself. he also overreacts when being asked to compromise regarding the control he has. he may not be flashing neon lights of a red flag, but he's definitely not green either. the only very obviously green thing about him is the gentle way he makes love, but even then is only because he isn't affected by pheromones

i don't wanna engage in this conversation anymore by the way, it's tiresome. if you want an actual green flag alpha, go read kiraide isasete (available here). the alpha there is ACTUALLY a green flag with his omega. try to compare him with this alpha & see what i mean
but genuinely, j because someone isn't so obviously a red flag, doesn't mean they're a green flag either. you shouldn't be praising anyone (i did not say not to show basic appreciation, by the way, i said PRAISING) for basic human decency j because you're so used to them being flat out abusers, especially when they have the upperhand in social status than you. you shouldn't be saying your current partner is a green flag because he lets you yap, j because your previous partner threw a phone at your face & told you to shut up
& j because they're not green flags, it doesn't make them terrible people. this story is wack because y'all EMPHASISE him being a green flag when he's not

Thank you for explaining that actually. I was ready to throw hands but when I really sat down and read your reply and think about it, the seme def has some subtle hints of being controlling and clingy. I guess I've been reading too many yaoi generics recently and seen too many red flags both irl and in fiction that my standard's way too low. That was an enlightenment. Thanks. I'm off to go reread some good old fluffs
are y'all being serious when you say he's a green flag...? i am Concerned for you