SA Where?? There is no “graping” in this one book, sex was an exchange for debt relief...

Queen August 3, 2024 1:13 pm

SA Where?? There is no “graping” in this one book, sex was an exchange for debt relief (consensual). In this book sex is connect to money, a little rough never forced. Lol

    Ayaevyavy August 3, 2024 1:36 pm

    there is SA in the first few chaps he forced his dick in euihyun

    Glassi August 3, 2024 1:38 pm

    Wasn't there some in like ch2? The rest was technically an exchange, but he didn't really agree with the first time.

    luvmybfscara August 3, 2024 1:39 pm

    Girl let’s not act blind now, just because the exchanged is Euihyun body it can still be grape and taeju did grapes Euihyun in that car scene. Let’s not ignore those.

    Queen August 3, 2024 1:39 pm
    there is SA in the first few chaps he forced his dick in euihyun Ayaevyavy

    Yas, “A little rough never forced”
    Those books do exist but not this one your reaching, love

    Ayaevyavy August 3, 2024 1:49 pm
    Yas, “A little rough never forced” Those books do exist but not this one your reaching, love Queen

    wym bro taeju forced him in the first few chaps the rest I guess not? but he definitely did fym

    luvmybfscara August 3, 2024 2:11 pm
    Yas, “A little rough never forced” Those books do exist but not this one your reaching, love Queen

    “A little rough” girl Euihyun was begging and crying for taeju to stop. You need help.

    Matcha August 3, 2024 2:17 pm
    Yas, “A little rough never forced” Those books do exist but not this one your reaching, love Queen

    Did you even read the story from chap 1?

    Queen August 3, 2024 2:50 pm

    Euihyun was consenting to keep him and his brother safe, that is not SA or grape. Euihyun Isn’t a passive uke by far he excepted the terms the same I gave him (sex=$$$$). Even during the car scene and even in the first chapters. I read it from the beginning and reread.

    Matcha August 3, 2024 6:18 pm
    Euihyun was consenting to keep him and his brother safe, that is not SA or grape. Euihyun Isn’t a passive uke by far he excepted the terms the same I gave him (sex=$$$$). Even during the car scene and even in... Queen

    You make me feel stupid somehow

    Queen August 3, 2024 6:43 pm
    You make me feel stupid somehow Matcha

    Lol that’s funny TY.

    levipleasecallmeback August 4, 2024 8:33 am

    you are strange and need help, as well as deep reflection on what you consider rape/SA if you can’t even define it while looking through a fictional lens. i thought we were actually getting somewhere in our conversation but dude you are actually not looking for explanations or wanting to hear different opinions. you literally just find it fun to gaslight and lie about brutal rape and sa that happens to characters who are victims of it. rage bait 101 lmao i should’ve known. you’re the reason why yaoi readers get bad rep because you don’t know how to define rape in any capacity and mindlessly read two men fucking no matter how violent- so it becomes normal to you. take a detox, walk outside, meditate; at least so some brain cells will form and give you conscious thought

    levipleasecallmeback August 4, 2024 8:34 am
    you are strange and need help, as well as deep reflection on what you consider rape/SA if you can’t even define it while looking through a fictional lens. i thought we were actually getting somewhere in our c... levipleasecallmeback