I got mad so I will rant

MELI August 3, 2024 8:12 am

Girl I'm in ch.17 and I fuckin hate both of them seonwoo for being a horrible friend to dongkyu like YOUR FRIEND got beat up by yujeung to the point that he busted his ear and didn't even get an apology yet because yujeung is your crush you tell YOUR FRIEND "isn't it about time you got over it" I know what dongkyu did wasn't okay either but he didn't deserve that bffr siding with a guy who told you in highschool that you make him sick looking at him with those filthy eyes and you still won't let go getting rejected till y'all adults and I'm pretty sure yujeung slamming seonwoo's head to the wall and on to the floor almost raping him is nothing to him he'll probably continue to want him also going along with yujeung kissing you knowing fully well that he has a girlfriend...now on to yujeung...you're a cheater a RAPIST and have major anger issues pick a fuckin struggle you bitch I'm dropping
