holy crap

toesforhoes August 3, 2024 6:51 am

dude i just saw a comment thread the length b/t two people that spanned like 30 comments bro… it’s like gang violence up in this comment section..

    Mayo Nessa August 3, 2024 6:52 am

    Careful now. One wrong word and they'll hound you too.

    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 12:31 pm
    Careful now. One wrong word and they'll hound you too. Mayo Nessa

    I have extensively explained on my alt account TMSM that rape in yaoi stories are fantasies for women in particular, in fact women fantasizing about rape is normal and healthy. I will disregard all the panels where clear rape from Jaekyung onto Dan is portrayed, because I wish to diminish the crime from rape to mere sexual assault. Moreover, if we arr talking about rape, Dan is the only rapist in the story for taking advantage of drunk Jaekyung despite the fact that Jaekyung proved to initiate it all other times when sober. If we are still counting, all users who accuse of Jaekyung for being a rapist are rapists themselves. As they have added rape in a story that doesn't contain it. I will bring in more of my alt accounts in the near future when I need more support.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 1:57 pm

    The comment from "Persistent Quill" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.

    The harassment from them is that can't accept differing opinions, resorting to cyberstalking to silence or force others into their views. This behavior is immature and harmful.

    Let's avoid further conflict and focus on respectful and constructive discussions.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 2:04 pm
    Careful now. One wrong word and they'll hound you too. Mayo Nessa

    None of the targets would. The topic that the OP is referring to involved violent and hostile behavior towards me when I was trying to have a constructive discussion. Instead of engaging respectfully, I was only attacked. This kind of treatment, especially from someone like Akaito, who has consistently harassed and attempted to intimidate me, is not conducive to a healthy conversation.
    -a target of harassment as you see a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity for an opinion on a story.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 2:23 pm

    Except me of course. I will harass you if you do not come to my defense. I would have impersonated you as I used to back in the day, but I got so much shit for that. I thought I was immune to shame but it got to me.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:27 pm

    The last comment from "Determined. Writer" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.
    They will copy this one two. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:45 pm

    He is above, my cyberstalker. Beware.

    Courageous Commentator August 4, 2024 2:59 pm

    My cyberstalker had copied my username again. He was formally known as Morning diamonds and now admits to still being him. Stop stalking me.

    Resilient Narrator August 4, 2024 3:15 pm

    The last comment from "valiant voice and courageous commentator" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. You know both are fake if you are following along. The comment from CC is easy determine to be fake because that is the cyberstalkers’ fake narrative. If you go to my topic there many places I said I am not morning diamonds and from “persistent quill” to now the real morning diamonds hasn’t changed their name.

    Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion. Just look at the account creation dates.

    They will copy this one too. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation.