for the ppl saying it should go back to being all cute and happy, I know that's what we're...

Clara August 3, 2024 4:39 am

for the ppl saying it should go back to being all cute and happy, I know that's what we're all comfortable and used to, but all these thoughts and feelings that gojo and marin are going through right now (marin feeling guilty and bad for being the reason gojo can't focus and work on his main talent and goals with his grandpa, and gojo feeling jealous and depressed about marin getting so much attention and praise and fame that they begin to get distant all while trying to balance timd management of making cosplay and his passion for dolls and the future of his shop) is a very natural and understandable thing that these characters need and are going through. if you were in either of their situations and you were just as considerate and in love and caring towards each other, ofc youd feel the guilt marin is feeling and the depression gojo is feeling all while they're pushing through always thinking about and considering the future. it's what makes this story so good, and the fact that the creator of this manga is letting us see this side of how these situations make the characters feel and grow is amazing. it makes this story all the more interesting, if it were all sunshine and rainbows without a real back bone ploy and a future that the characters don't care about, I'd be pretty bored pretty quick. the characters need this development, and as long as they communicate im sure it'll work out and be fine, but for now, they both thinking about this: gojo about the future of the Hina doll shop, his talent and getting better and making yhe dolls, and having enough time to reach his goals while his grandpa is still alive. marin about joining a bigger company when it comes to cosplay and actually having a job pursuing her passion but worrying about not being with gojo and using him (him always making her cosplays). ofc it's all sad and depressing rn. it makes sense. especially with the fame she reached and im totally 100% rooting for both characters and can't wait to see where this will go.
