Like “Wahhhh he still hasn’t called me to talk! Or acknowledge how I insulted his character! Or hear my apology! How am I supposed to apologize when he won’t text me first?! :((((((“ LIKE BITCH IS YOUR PHONE BROKEN??? CAN YOUR LIPS FLAP??? HOW ARE YOUR VOCAL CHORDS DOING??!?! WHY DOES HE ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP WHEN YOURE THE ONE SETTING THE BOUNDARIES AND BLOCKING HIS ADVANCES??? ARE YOU DUMB????

This poor dude literally goes about his life, chill asf, only wanting to do his work, have his team succeed, and give affection to his boyfriend who’s his favorite thing on earth. His first goddamn relationship, the SAME AGE as his boyfriend, but he has to be 100x more mature. All while his boyfriend picks up on every little thing he can latch onto to give himself anxiety and assume the worst about the man who does the most for him. It’s INSUFFERABLE. I hate how invested I am in this story because our main character is a miserable loser. I want him to get broken up with and realize that it’s his own doing. Then HE’LL have to bend over backwards to gain forgiveness rather than sit there and pretend he’s the forever victim.

Literally my exact thoughts reading every chapter. And the way he was like "it's actually my time to apologize this time" when every argument has come from ml just existing in his hotness and the mc being insecure and then lashing out at ml because he knows the ml will look for him to apologize first. Literally getting mad Everytime the ml does anything proving his love for the mc. I love the art(I'm used to the weird proportions and wrinkles already) but I need some serious character development or I don't think I'll be able to continue much longer. I've only stayed this long because of how close to perfect the ml is.
I’m sorry but I despise the MC I understand going through a traumatic experience and not wanting to be hurt again, but maybe deal with your deep insane insecurities before making it everyone else’s problem? He assumes he doesn’t like him, assumes he has a girlfriend, assumes he’s straight, assumes he’s cheating, assumes assumes assumes and Jio is the one who has to bend over backwards to do everything he can to show he’s actually deeply in love with him, and only interested in him.
He actively rejected his physical advances with the excuse of “we have to trust each other more” while admitting that it’s just so he can prove he doesn’t only want him physically, then GETS MAD WHEN HE DOESNT TRY TO FUCK HIM?!!! He sits there saying “wahhh I guess he doesn’t trust me!” As if it wasn’t HIS condition that HE needs to trust HIM before they go further?! And you bet your ass it doesn’t cross his mind that simply informing him that he trusts him (he doesn’t actually) and is willing to go all the way now, which would fix his own self made issue.
The thing that really pissed me off is this bitch literally insulted him, calling him a HETERO… WHILE BEING PISSED AT HIM FOR THE ASSUMPTION THAT HE FUCKED ANOTHER MAN…. AFTER HE WENT DOWN ON HIM AND SWALLOWED HIS JIZZ AND TOOK COOKING CLASSES TO GET HIM TO LIKE HIM AND PASSED UP A PROMOTION AND TRANSFER OVERSEAS AND WAS WILLING TO FUCK OVER OTHER COWORKERS TO EASE HIS WORKLOAD AND JUMPS HIM EVERY CHANCE HE GETS EVEN AT WORK AND AND AND AHHHHHHHH. Who the fuck does he think he is believing that just because he’s also gay, it’s okay to out someone to him?! As a gay guy, he should know people have boundaries, and “batting for the same team” doesn’t give you the right to CROSS those boundaries! If that man specifically requested Jio not to inform ANYBODY of the fact that he’s gay because he’s not out of the closet, why the fuck should your own insecurities be more important than that boundary? And with that completely unreasonable request, he then assumes that confirmation that he’s actually just a “man fucking hetero cheater” like get a FUCKING GRIP.
I get being insecure and not believing someone out of your league has genuine care for you, but why not manage a way to deal with that insecurity before you put some poor man through the wringer while he tries to put you at ease? This entire story is just him going “Waahhhh I’m bland and hate myself and even though all my boyfriend does is make it clear he’s only interested in me, rather than talking about my feelings with him, I’m gonna assume the worst, go catatonic, attack his character, and make it seem like it’s HIS fault when we fight!” Like MY GOD.