Jaekyung and the other character were not in a romantic relationship. Their relationship was transitional and involved a boss/employee dynamic, rather than a dating or romantic involvement.
Jaekyung allowed Dan to sleep and visit Dan's grandmother and allowing the dresser. While Jaekyung’s behavior might not align with what some might consider “sweet” in a romantic sense, it reflects his own way of expressing care and concern within the boundaries of their transitional relationship. People express themselves differently, and what may seem unremarkable to one person might be significant to another.
It’s important to recognize and respect that individuals may have different ways of expressing kindness and support. Jaekyung’s actions, while not conventional, should be understood within the context of their unique relationship dynamic. So the episode where they played boardgames would count in this sense.

Jaekyung and Dan were not in a romantic relationship.
I edited that wrong.
What I was saying "Jaekyung and the other character were not in a romantic relationship. Dan has the same type of relationship where they were not in a romantic relationship" I decided to remove it as it was pointless to talk about that another character. I didn't remove everything I needed to.

I personally show kindness by raping a dirt poor man who I knew from day 1 was a virgin. I coerced him into allowing me to go all out with threats of violence. But see, he ended up liking. All those days and nights of pain cancel out. I also show him love by bossing him around, shoving him onto chairs and lockers and yelling at him for doing his job right.
As I think back across this season my memory can’t remember any sexy moments between the 2 leads. I only feel just an intense stress in my abdomen and frustration. Can anyone give me some re-caps on some hot or sweet moments of Dan & J?
( ̄へ ̄)