their expressions is rlly such a hit or miss sometimes. also “complicated” plot and bo...

placid August 2, 2024 4:20 pm

their expressions is rlly such a hit or miss sometimes. also “complicated” plot and boring plot are two sides of the same coin. the author is basically gambling for the past 20-30 chapters and is losing. idk if its the pacing or just the generic way of “sophisticated storytelling” that is such a miss. Idk how to explain it well but the attempts of the mc being “poetic”(?) is so icky. Wish the lines would improve soon. After all its been over 80 chapters already.

    velocity August 4, 2024 5:43 pm

    personally, i think the plot got worse the moment we learned about hawon’s dad abducting taeha. after that, the shift from the casino-centred story to some wannabe detectives solving a mystery of hawon’s father’s “masterplan” was just too drastic and ultimately fell short on its delivery. and all of the details about this masterplan are just too overcomplicated, and while the story tries to explain them, it doesn’t really do a good job in doing so. the characters’ deduction also seem to come out of thin air at times.
    also, taeha revealing bits and pieces of information that he seemingly has known for MONTHS at some random moments during the story so it’s convenient for the plot is so confusing and frustrating. like he seems to do everything purely for his own interest and benefit, yet at times i thought that he didn’t care about anything other than just toying with hawon.
    and i really dislike the mc’s narration at some moments. he’s explaining something that just happened and the reader could see and understand just fine. like, we’re not stupid, we can see what someone just did or said.

    Aoi.xx August 5, 2024 6:56 am
    personally, i think the plot got worse the moment we learned about hawon’s dad abducting taeha. after that, the shift from the casino-centred story to some wannabe detectives solving a mystery of hawon’s fa... velocity

    agree !!

    Chiaki August 6, 2024 2:41 am
    personally, i think the plot got worse the moment we learned about hawon’s dad abducting taeha. after that, the shift from the casino-centred story to some wannabe detectives solving a mystery of hawon’s fa... velocity

    Your comment perfectly summarizes my thoughts, thank you!

    purple August 6, 2024 2:49 am

    i know exactly what you mean with the icky, pretentious "poetic" diction for the mc. it makes me cringe sm..