Are you okay dude? Like, I have ZERO idea why you have beef with me when I only said straight facts. We wish there was actual art panels of these characters, and so we voice that. And then people like you come in and say that it's clear that we "don't actually enjoy the art" or that "you guys are so horny, just go on MRM" as if we said ANYTHING along those lines? All we asked was if there was actual panel art, all we said was that we wished there was because the story line and art is so good. I have no idea why you guys are being so rude and disgusting. You say that I'm the one that should have my brain checked, but I think you might need a checkup more than I do. You're extremely rude and it seems like you're confused about what's even happening. Why are you saying these things in general? Did I hurt your ego? Did I strike a nerve? Did I say something that hit too close to home with you? Why are you so pissed off by me saying that "hey! We don't care about smut, and we LOVE this art! I wish we knew the storyline and had more chapters though!" Please, do tell me WHY you're acting like a 9 year old throwing a hissy fit.

I quite literally asked you multiple questions and disproved any "points" you may of made (which weren't any) if you completely disregard and refuse to actually read it, then that tells me that you clearly know nothing of what you're saying, and that you're not intelligent enough to be listened to. So now you get to sit in your own self pity and wail about the fact that no one will give you anymore attention. (⌒▽⌒)

This is from a year ago, but since you wanted to comment a year later, I'll tell you this: this isn't longer than a one-shot. It had many chapters on here because most, if not all, are just art pieces of the characters, which is completely fine, we love to see the art! But it doesn't give us any idea of the characters, who they are, or what the storyline is. A one-shot at least introduces the characters to us and gives us some sort of story to an end. This just gives us 10 panels and some art, which is shorter than a one-shot. Once again, this is from a year ago, and once again, I enjoyed the art and panels we got, but I just wanna tell you that maybe you should actually look at what you're talking about before you say anything about it..

First of all, if i was calling anything other than your long comments "longer than a oneshot" then I would've said it in response to your initial comment instead of specifically REPLYING to the long ass essay you wrote. I didn't write that thinking that it would completely fly over your head and that you'd end up being so rude but clearly I was wrong.
Secondly, me responding to your post from a few months ago that is STILL at the FRONT of the topic page is not such a big deal that you need to mention it 3 times. Delete it if it bothers you because I certainly don't care enough.

Bro no offense, but I'm on the spectrum so sometimes I don't understand jokes when there isn't enough contextual words within the comment. I assumed you were talking about my comment referring to the art stuff we were talking about because that's what was mentioned in the comment you replied too. No offense but you could've possibly phrased it better, considering it could've very well been taken the wrong way. Sorry for being mean, but I low key didn't see the joke side of that before you told me.
"It's like 19 days!!" "Just appreciate the art!!" Hey buddy, hey pal, hey KIDDO, first off, 19 days may of had panel art, but it still had a FUCKING STORY LINE. With HUNDREDS of chapters. And NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is saying "this art is bad!!" "I don't appreciate this art!!" Because if you use half of your fucking brain, you'll realize that we want more BECAUSE the art is so good. So stop being so stuck up and righteous, because you're not better than ANYONE. You're reading on an illegal site, keep that in mind, and keep your mouth SHUT.