Should've listened to his friend, Jiwoon (he shouldn't have married that guy, not to abort...

Bik345 August 2, 2024 6:52 am

Should've listened to his friend, Jiwoon (he shouldn't have married that guy, not to abort, his choice). Manipulative controlling obsessive gaslighting stalking CRAZY ass bitch. I feel like I would've loved this story in 2020, when I started reading bls and didn't understand when the seme was a toxic asshole. The people that like this story either like toxic and obsessive relationship (weird.) or will reread this story in a year or two and tell themselves "wtf was I reading and how did I not notice all the red flags"

    hoyeonie August 2, 2024 8:04 am

    Thank you! I’ve been saying this. The husband is a major gaslighter. I never noticed the first time I read. He just never sat right with me. He’s taking advantage of how gullible hosik is.

    CeCemmm August 2, 2024 1:19 pm

    The people that like this story either like toxic and obsessive relationship (weird.)
    ...or maybe they can separate reality from fantasy.

    Yello August 2, 2024 9:24 pm

    Sunbae is high key SUCH a red flag the art style is so cute like it would have been legit tooth rottingly sweet if Sunbae wasn't a total asshole but here we are...

    Puppy is angwy August 4, 2024 3:06 am

    Oh my... I hate obsessive and manipulative ppl in real life. But I like them in fiction.
    Why so many ppl nowadays couldn't separate fiction and reality???

    Yello August 4, 2024 3:12 pm
    Oh my... I hate obsessive and manipulative ppl in real life. But I like them in fiction.Why so many ppl nowadays couldn't separate fiction and reality??? Puppy is angwy

    It's good and perfectly normal to have discourse about behaviours and tropes in fiction. Ppl might even learn to distinguish these behaviours in real life situations.

    We know it's fiction, and we also know it's trying to portray a cute relationship when it in-fact is not. It's so nice that people can recognize that. We're not stopping you from reading it, just having a discussion.