Pls explain

Eating August 2, 2024 5:45 am

I don’t understand why does everyone like Callisto (crown prince). He hasn’t done anything really, he didn’t help her with her family or relief her worries etc. I don’t understand why ppl are so in love with him so please explain it to me. Like he really haven’t done anything really or maybe i accidentally skipped smth important

    Syn.chronic August 2, 2024 5:46 am

    cuz people like reading spoilers, he’s actually a pretty good guy lol, cares for her a lot, also compare him to the other asshole characters and he’s an angel

    Bokutachisan August 2, 2024 5:48 am

    As someone who read the novel callisto is one of my favourite isekai MLs he is such a sweetheart

    Shortchescak August 2, 2024 5:58 am

    They're either a novel reader or nosy little shits who've read spoilers lol

    mar ★彡 August 2, 2024 6:09 am
    They're either a novel reader or nosy little shits who've read spoilers lol Shortchescak


    Minakushi August 2, 2024 6:19 am

    Well, for starters, he wasn't a complete asshole to her.

    For second, he didn't hide anything from her like winter

    For third, he is able to understand what she's going through

    Holy Shwit August 2, 2024 6:20 am

    I can’t explain much because I need to reread all of this lol. Mid story we have lot of interesting stuff going on with him and that island child trafficking rescue stuff. About helping Pene to get out of the situation, he did offer help (more like a proposal) but she refused. One thing to note that Pene completely lost trust from him just because of the love gauge, she had played the og game and see that number is too low to consider as “love” but (in my view) Pene might have overlooked that sure the love meter is low but it’s high for the villain’s pov and the prince is the hardest to fill the meter. In recent chapter he shows his worries, Pene really looks like she’s dying already and thought the return on Yvonne made the family neglects her. But still Pene thinks that Callisto doesn’t actually care for her because of that damn love gauge. He doesn’t understand why Pene just gonna let things happen even got angry to why she suggested that he’s gonna fall in love with Yvonne anyway.

    And about Callisto I don’t think we should take him seriously when he said he doesn’t believe in love. Might worth pointing out that both of them are parallel to each other? Callisto past is like Pene, he was neglected as a prince and overshadowed by his older brother. Just like Pene neglected be her foster family and overshadowed by the missing Yvonne. But Callisto have pretty much climb his way up and killed his brother just as simple as that. And again he’s wondering why Pene just let it happen, she worked hard to clear her bad rep even saw them himself that Pene have done things to get her a place as the little duchess of that household but at the end she just treats it like it all gone to waste and just let Yvonne takes her precious things. Why not just eliminate her “sister” as how Callisto executed his brother.

    That’s just what I thought about it. Still rereading.

    Holy Shwit August 2, 2024 6:24 am
    I can’t explain much because I need to reread all of this lol. Mid story we have lot of interesting stuff going on with him and that island child trafficking rescue stuff. About helping Pene to get out of the... Holy Shwit

    Im not a novel reader btw

    ZenRyu August 2, 2024 6:34 am

    I'm confused why you're even questioning that.. Out of all the male leads he was the only one whom Penelope felt a genuine connection with. He was there to save her in the hunting competition, even in the missing children's case he saved her, didn't ever doubt her even if her actions sometimes didn't make sense, he tries to woo her with precious gifts (it's kinda comedic relief atp). Has anyone else even done half of what he has done?
    Another thing is that family problems aren't resolved easily. He did give her a way to break away from them by being his fiancee, he tried to be of help, but Penelope's always closed off and turned him down because she thought he didn't love her.
    If that doesn't move your heart I don't know what will.
    While Eclise did everything Penelope ever asked for I was personally disturbed by his obsession to be a loyal dog.
    That Verdandi guy has had a business like relationship with her.
    Her brothers are shit. Though the pink haired one has come around.

    holytoast August 2, 2024 7:50 am
    I'm confused why you're even questioning that.. Out of all the male leads he was the only one whom Penelope felt a genuine connection with. He was there to save her in the hunting competition, even in the missi... ZenRyu

    CLOCK IT!! not to mention she can be herself around him and doesn’t need to put up a big show!

    Eating August 2, 2024 3:17 pm
    I'm confused why you're even questioning that.. Out of all the male leads he was the only one whom Penelope felt a genuine connection with. He was there to save her in the hunting competition, even in the missi... ZenRyu

    Thank you for explaining it to me ^^

    ZenRyu August 2, 2024 8:16 pm
    Thank you for explaining it to me ^^ Eating

    My pleasure (▰˘◡˘▰)