This story is a psychological horror.

allypegei August 2, 2024 4:55 am

The plot is so good. Except its not. BECAUSE THEYRE BLOOD RELATED COUSINS. This is 2024, not 1624. Hamni and Junhyuk are gonna start a new Habsburg Jaw situation dont even mention to me when Jua kissed Gun wtf was THAT. OUT OF NOWHERE? Nah cuz if some freak like Seonwha convinced me to KISS MY OWN BROTHER, shoot me. Fr i think Yueun and Ginny are the only portrayals of normal people thought all 200+ epsiodes. Everytime Hanmi and Junhyuk kissed or even blushed near each other my body had a VISCERAL REACTION i felt sick to my core. But anyway, hate aside, read all of it 10/10 for writing and art (if only the author didnt have a freak imagination...)
