im dying the rating is so low lmao 😭😭😭😭😭😭

It really be like that August 1, 2024 4:13 pm

im dying the rating is so low lmao

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 5:47 pm

    It is fake.

    Silent Lucidity August 1, 2024 8:56 pm
    It is fake. Persistent Quill

    Lol! No. Sorry

    Silent Lucidity August 1, 2024 9:01 pm

    Also 8,8 isn't low by any means. Snake Bite's 6,6 would be considered low

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 9:18 pm
    Lol! No. Sorry Silent Lucidity

    it is actually higher. So you are not aware of what is happening?

    Zeph August 2, 2024 8:00 am


    It really be like that August 2, 2024 9:09 am

    honestly people eat anything up in this site so anything below 9.0 is LOW.

    Silent Lucidity August 2, 2024 2:41 pm

    Do it! I once challenged peeps to find the lowest rated with at least 100 votes. No one could beat this one (3,7 with 310 votes) :

    Persistent Quill August 4, 2024 12:32 pm

    Sorry I am delusional. I cannot count past 5.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 1:56 pm
    it is actually higher. So you are not aware of what is happening? Persistent Quill

    Hey everyone,
    This comment was my last comment. The comments that follow as "Persistent Quill" are from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. They are spreading falsehoods and pretending to be their targets, engaging in deflection and gaslighting. Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.

    The harassment from them is that can't accept differing opinions, resorting to cyberstalking to silence or force others into their views. This behavior is immature and harmful.

    Let's avoid further conflict and focus on respectful and constructive discussions.

    Determined. Writer August 4, 2024 2:25 pm

    Hello everyone, after I was completely destroyed by many people a few topics below, I need to gain my composure back. Since I failed once again in utter humiliation to assert my rape apologist views, I will spend my time on these trolls instead of the people who wanted a civil discussion. I have left after insulting them. Thank me later everyone. Any comments that come after are from the confirmed pedophile and impersonator.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:29 pm

    The last comment from "Determined. Writer" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. Please don't engage with these comments as they are honest about themselves pretending to be their targets. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.
    They will copy this one too. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation. None of the targets will call them trolls. Why? Because they are not trolls.

    Valiant Voice August 4, 2024 2:46 pm

    The cyberstalker commented above. Beware'

    Courageous Commentator August 4, 2024 2:59 pm

    My cyberstalker had copied my username again. He was formally known as Morning diamonds and now admits to still being him.

    Resilient Narrator August 4, 2024 3:10 pm

    The last comment from "valiant voice and courageous commentator" is from a cyberstalker attempting to steal my identity. You know both are fake if you are following along. The comment from CC is easy determine to be fake because that is the cyberstalkers’ fake narrative. If you go to my topic there many places I said I am not morning diamonds and from “persistent quill” to now the real morning diamonds hasn’t changed their name.

    Please don't engage with these comments. I will change my name each time they copy me to avoid further confusion.
    They will copy this one too. They probably will copy and paste this post. So look at the accounts. We have different account creations and have different topics. They are aggressive and hostile obsessed with their targets as their targets try to engage in respectful conversation.

    Resilient Narrator August 4, 2024 3:24 pm

    My cyberstalker is talking a lot in attempt to gaslight users. Do not be fooled. My account is older. Dismissed.

    It really be like that August 5, 2024 11:58 am
    My cyberstalker is talking a lot in attempt to gaslight users. Do not be fooled. My account is older. Dismissed. Resilient Narrator

    what the hell is happening