Mujin is a piece of shit. He knew everything and he chose to kept silent. He fucked him th...

Ponponya August 22, 2024 1:16 am

Mujin is a piece of shit. He knew everything and he chose to kept silent. He fucked him then tell him the truth? This is so hard to read especially when they did it. I really wanted the omega to stop OR he had the moral to stop. I’m a yaoi reader btw, it’s not because it’s yaoi that I hate him. Him fucking taking advantage of the omega kept him by his side FUCKED him then? If it’s like he only knew then, im ok. But it’s not, HE KNEW ABOUT EVERYTHING AND KEPT SILENT WHILE BOTH PARTIES MISUNDERSTOOD EACH OTHER. If he even had the integrity to not have sex with him im also ok and I will feel sorry for him. But shit ass knew how she felt and how omega felt. Wow gross as hell please. Apparently his love is just about wanting to have sex with omega. AHHHHHHH I so damn regret reading this.
