No romantic ml plz.

Cere August 1, 2024 1:44 pm

I’d be happy if the 2 guys stay as brother figures, god if any of them become romantic this manhwa would be gross. Romance has no place in this series

    Batata August 2, 2024 8:10 am

    They're far from brother figure tho!!

    Cere August 2, 2024 12:24 pm
    They're far from brother figure tho!! Batata

    Their ages are far apart too!!

    Meandme August 19, 2024 11:43 pm

    They are 6 years apart both of them. Also, none of them sees her as a romantic interest, only a very smart ally, wich is great

    Viole August 20, 2024 1:18 am

    that's great, that's how i always imagined this would go

    Batata August 20, 2024 5:35 am

    You all better not start complaining if there is little bit of romance, with this story set in historical time, I don't think author will care whether you are uncomfortable or not as, if we look at other stories with same setting, things do develop in that regard.

    She constantly says she's bad person which is so heartbreaking, she's been used and thrown all her life, I want her to have trust in friendship and herself again, I really want her to have trust in love again, she deserves someone truly loving her.

    Also they're 14 and 17, MC being a full-fledged old lady, so this forcefull insertion of being brother-sister when there's no hint of it in this story and age gap sound wierd to me. Like I do understand you hate romance so much, that you'll even make them brother figures which clearly they(black head & orange head) aren't, will only make you more disappointed later on, tho I do respect your opinion.

    As this story main plot is revenge not romance, personally I dont care whether they fall in love now or later on but I don't think love will bloom anytime sooner as MC needs to grow up to execute revenge on a bigger stage if she wants to get full revenge on that silver head/Prince/NPCs and with her personality, it feels like she doesn't have time for love and stuff.

    Anyways, I want black-haired guy to be ML, hes understanding, respects MCs opinions and knows his priority, he's a good option for now and these small little hints author dropping that these two might be something in the future makes me happy.

    Viole August 20, 2024 9:35 am

    Idk why you’re so insistent on romance

    Batata August 20, 2024 11:46 am
    Idk why you’re so insistent on romance Viole

    You talking about my comment?
    If yes, then well....I'm not insistent on romance its just, why reject the possibility of it, won't you feel happy for her to have lovable partner than being alone again(note that I'm talking w.r.t the story progress), I mean she can die alone again in this time line too but just like how you won't like romance, I just stated I would(not as main plot but as mini sub-plot after all revenge is completed)

    I commented because later chapters may disappoint anti-romance ppl if you're so against it and my problem with OP comment was them being brotherly which they clearly aren't, they're good comrades, that's all.

    No hard feelings guys, you don't like it, I respect that.

    Viole August 20, 2024 8:03 pm

    I understand why people want romance, considering it’s the most popular genre generally on this site besides yaoi but ig I just prefer it without.