If one thing is done without consent, then he raped him and is a rapist. Also I hope you dont carry that to your IRL relationships! If your partner forces you to do sexual things that make you cry and they continue even if you beg them to stop, RUN. My fiancé always checks for consent.
And I read a lot of things with psycho rapists (A tree without roots is one that I love) I just dont like when it's meant to be a cute relationship ;3

Ur allowed to like Jiwon (? Alex) even if he's an abuser, it's a work of fiction, who cares, you seem to know it would be bad IRL. But I don't like him because I dont like redemption arcs for people who sexually abuse others, it's just not my kind of story. I don't even know who Jaekyung is?? Is it the older man?? He seems shady
He's an asshole and an abuser, I hope he gets better cause I'm at chapter 26 and I can't stand him