Bro, in my mind, she'd marry the prince just for the sake of their plans, but she and the prince would develop a friendship/parent-child relationship and her relationship with Sir Aldor would develop in romantic feelings. And then after the end, when the emperor and his kids are all dead, the prince would become the emperor and marry other person and she would marry her true love, Sir Aldor, and become the Duchess.
they just have a better chemestry
buuut in this life they do share better chemestry, and with better chemestry = more chances of developing romantic feelings... and she dont see him as a possibility due to the emperor's doing in her other life. without the emperor, she could?
anyway it was just my wish, since he is way better possibility than the 4th prince but we all know she will end up with the kid.
i'll just wait to see how they will develop it
i really really wished Sir Aldor was the ML, honestly it just makes more sense