remind me of vampire knight

lilypyon August 1, 2024 10:55 am

idk but i think the author probably read vampire knights??. this giving me vampire knight yk HHHHHHH even the mutant here called <zero> and zero is main lead on vampire knight too. btw i love kyon-luceon and they're should be the main story right? but why i feel like karis-icarve have more plot than kyon-luceon?? also the plot lack of significant conflict. edward character is also the key story and a potential main villain but the plot not explaining abt that at all. but overall this is ok. love the vibe's of the art, it's giving cold, sad, winter, feeling blue, and things like that haha really suit the story vibes

    akise August 28, 2024 2:14 am

    Oo now you make sense. The servant is like the girl in early part. Omg, i just realised it haha