YTC Thursdays

Inque August 1, 2024 9:14 am

Ytc was something that made me look forward to Thursdays and now that it's ended even months later I just feel my Thursdays ain't the same anymore. Anyway I'm gonna talk about ytc lore as usual.

Choongman sunbae doesn't get his roses for being the number one hwijoo shipper. I like that he always supported Yahwis love for Jooin and doesn't judge him or accuse Jooin of being a creep for being attached to Yahwi like their other classmates did earlier in the series. Even when Yahwi was being a dick he made him aware that his treatment of Jooin wasn't nice. We all need friends who don't enable our nonsense. I love that later he plays Cupid by giving Jooin Yahwis key card and that's where our babies really start to communicate properly and rekindle their love. Points for bbes!!! Another thing I don't know if people think this but I think he also plays Cupid again during the time skip. During the alumni reunion he basically makes Jooin aware that Yahwi always loved even if he made mistakes it was never out of malice. He intercedes for Yahwi in that chapter. I think Jooin hearing Yahwis love for him being confirmed by someone else just gave him some more assurance that he wasn't in love on his own. I also think he is the one that made both Jooin and Yahwi of each others relationship status because when hwijoo reunite both of them knew the other was single even without asking, how? Probably Choongman sunbae that's how.

I always see people say hwijoos reunion that day didn't make sense and that they were now taking cainjoos fate theme and making it hwijoo but I do think fate was always on hwijoos side even more than cainjoos. That's for later tho. Anyway when Yahwi landed back in SK he went to the place he last saw Jooin happy and smiling. I think it's chapter 87,88 or 89 where Jooin and Yahwi went to do their group work and later that evening they go to the last location of their group work and the lanterns were all beautiful and stuff and Jooin was smiling and in that moment he looked happy and that just stayed with Yahwi. It was a beautiful memory of Jooin to him and he just wanted to go there and reminisce. Coincidentally tho years later the same place is close to Jooins workplace and also where that large Christmas tree had been set up for viewing. Jooin just went with his colleagues to view the tree then bam!!! he and Yahwi meet again.

About the fate thing I think fate was more on hwijoos side than cainjoos. Like think about it, all the coincidences of Jooin and Yahwi like reuniting in uni,doing the same course, sharing the same classes even being put in the same class group. I personally think fate was always rooting for them. And let's not forget all the other possibilities of their eventually reunion. It could have been through architecture, Choongman sunbae because he is friends with both of them and Yahwis childhood home which he owns btw which is also in jooins neighborhood. I really like that the creator didn't use any of these because it would have been too predictable for me. I also like that regardless of all this they seem very oblivious to all this throughout the story and don't really root their love in it. I love that they put in effort to forgive and love each even when fate was rooting for them. It really falls in line with what Jooin tells Yahwi that he is choosing to love him and that he doesn't need fate to do that otherwise he wouldn't have to be a better man for him. Another thing that isn't a fateful encounter but I still think is fate is the flowers the TA(teaching assistant) gave Jooin on his graduation are also Yahwis favourite flowers and the same type Yahwi wanted to give Jooin on his bday but we all know how that turned out

Lastly this isn't really fate but just something I noticed. In the last chapter Jooin says that he has thought for a very long time about his study abroad and that he ended up applying in New York but not only in New York but also where Yahwi continued and graduated from his studies. To me it almost feels like since he was too stubborn to call Yahwi and Yahwi wasn't coming for him he decided to bring fate to him which is funny and kinda psycho but I wouldn't put it past Jooin to be on some wild shenanigans when it comes to Yahwi.
