why would that be an insane comment lol I think the same too and you're the icky one for thinking their relationship is normal. he literally knew her as a BABY and she is still a CHILD and he is literally THOUSANDS years old. they didn't mean father and daughter as in they have a strong relationship but as in their power dynamics are very much father figure and found daughter. she literally needs and seeks out his help and guidance and reassurance all the time stop acting blind

Knew her as a baby? Yes. Raised her? No.
My guy, if you can’t fanthom supernatural x human being relationships (god x human, vampire x human, ghost x human, mermaid x human,etc) then this is not the story for you. Period.
Another thing, later on, the power dynamic won’t matter bc Aisha would be strong enough to summon lumnias plus spoiler alert they both become human. But before we judge the relationship we should wait to see how it grows bc ONCE AGAIN they are acquaintances.
Friends seeks other friends for guidance and reassurance, lovers seek eachother for guidance and reassurance, there’s need to be more than that for it to be a father and daughter bond.
Your blind to think that they see eachother as like that

you're so the type to defend grooming girl this is so embarrassing. I never said he raised either so wtf are you yapping about. just bc he didn't raise her doesn't mean he didnt interact with her as a child. I also don't gaf about his nature he could be a fucking centaur that I wouldn't care, it's about the fucking AGE DIFFERENCE. also fyi "power dynamics" doesnt mean tangible powers like divine powers or wtv it s about the influence one can have on the other. read the room and leave me tf alone you can't even understand the essence of what am saying lol why tf would a thousand year old guy be friends with a CHILD dumbass

Here goes the grooming allegations… my guy just bc he met her ONCE as a child he’s suddenly what? A groomer? A pedophile? I don’t see the problem with their interaction bc there’s was nothing sexual or romantic about it.
If you have a problem with a fantasy age gap then please seek yourself tf out.Im confused on how Luminas influencing Aisha is a problem? Aisha is struggling with her powers , isnt it right for him to help her grow her power (on her own btw) by giving advices? Like I feel like your making their interactions into your own twisted version when there’s nothing bad about it, ESPECIALLY considering how the romance hasn’t even fucking started.
As to “ why tf would a thousand year old guy be friends with a CHILD dumbass” I don’t know maybe it’s bc it’s FANTASY. Should I list all the fucking supernatural and human relationships in anime/manga/manwha/manhuas, hell even in WESTERN SHOWS?! When people make these types of media it’s not meant to be taking REALISTICALLY.
Cause of the ML. I have no problem with age gaps and thousand year olds and whatnot. I just don’t feel the chemistry with these two. I guess they’ll want Aisha to transcend to the spirit realm after all this cause it’s not gonna work in the human realm. That red haired guy is right there!!!!