As a doctor, the correct diagnosis IS anorexia because he currently has a low BMI. Binging and purging occurs in both disorders. So you're right to stick to the original.

No prob!! In case this comes up, his official diagnosis would be Anorexia Nervosa Binge-eating/Purging type, basically a sub-type under the umbrella of anorexia.

And also thank you so much for translating this work, and for being so thorough with your translations!!
Hello, it's mai of 801uranus. Regarding the ossue if we made a mistake regarding if it's Bulimia or Anorexia. At first we had doubt too, but as we research this too has the same tendecies and in the orginal raw (the korean raw) it's as 거식증 or anorexia in korean language. So, we decided to stick to the original. I have a picture as a proof but I don't have any idea how to put it maybe check our tumblr if you want proof. Anyway, bulimia is written as 폭식증 in korean language. Thank you.