
The_13 July 31, 2024 10:17 pm

Dropped, I don't know if after ch.25 things will start to get better but until now it all feels wrong: in S2 it's like he (top) did a complete 180 degree turn, from feeling disgusted at the slightest touch (even if it was probably due fear) to railing him out of the blue. Another irritating thing was the situation with his (bottom) parents: they didn't show their reunion, how they solved their problems and yet he feels entitled to his father's money, he asks for a house, he wants a safe place thanks to his father (nepotism is one of the things I dispise the most).
I won't lie I was really hyped for this story, the graphic suits my taste and at first I thought that even if the bottom ended up forgiving the top for all the wrong things he did (starting from beating up his friend to actually raping him) I wouldn't have minded if he (top) actually did things to prove that he changed for the better. But as soon as I started the s2 and saw them fucking right away, the top doing an half-assed apology to the one he beat up, i knew the this was not meant for me.
