Sure! So: sugar rain, my master, the servant/employer, irreversible, cry me a river, love history caused by willful negligence, jinx (you surely know it tho), speak of the devil (this is boss x employee, I forgot it before '•○•) when the yakuza falls in love, painter of the night, unscented trajectory, butler, on or off (also boss x employee) hope I helped c:<3 ps. They are all different, some are very soft and cute and some are more angsty (:,

https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2646972/?filter=&page=1 I got a couple of omegaverse ones mixed in.
https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/2645482/?filter=&page=2 a separate list for celebrities but none omegaverse.
Does anyone have recs for omegaverse(or normal) office romance BL’s? As well as celebrity BL’s either one is fine