Where can I get the raw,I dont care I just need to see it

Oh my....I want to cry. The series started sick and still ends pretty sick but still good and at the same time beautiful. I'm just in awe on Maiko and Yui's, specially Maiko's, personality, both understood Kei's situation and were willing to pave the way for his treatment, acceptance. Still doubting if it's right for Yui to continue this since after all he was just coerced into it but I'm happy because someone accepts Kei. Kei is after all another victim.
And that kiss while in a restaurant. Seriously? Just WOW. The sense of comfort and acceptance, like a heavy weight just lifted from Kei's heart, I mean that's probably how it felt. Just wanna curl up in a corner and weep. Thank you for this.

sorry for the late reply and here you go

great saviour i love u

Chapter 5 actually turned the story around for me. I love Harada even more. For 4 chapters, it would seem like it's centered on Yui, the victim, but apparently, sensei wanted to tell us that Kei was a victim, too, still a victim now that he's older. He never got out of it, it was a cycle for him. The best part (I mean in the narrative and psychological perspective) was that he tried to find the answer to questions he had since he was young by doing the exact same thing to another kid and still did not find his answer, until he and Yui met again and finally was accepted. If I could only give Kei a hug, damn (when he went down on his knees when he went home). This story just shows how much sensei researched and studied the matter to properly drive and convey the story. I feel loved (as a fan) by sensei.

^T H I S!!!! UPVOTE!!!
thats so true, this is why i really like harada
her works are really dark, people who only dwell in the vanilla will get scarred by her really fast. But those who are used to the stuff will find her plot really beautiful.
In just a few chapters, she turned Kei from the most hated character into a character people sympathize the most. It ended in both a beautiful and a twisted way (Yui asking Kei to make a promise with him to never run away from him again).
But then that ended really abruptly so there MIGHT be more chapters like an after story or something but thats prolly just my wishful thinking.

It's still sick, isn't it?! Oh my. But dang, Kei just needed to be loved. Plus Maiko in their relationship...so twisted. They were all victims of Maiko's father and they are all in a good relationship. That's Harada's version of fiction in this realistic story. Not only her stories are beautiful but they're informative, as well. She really takes on a closer look to your usual antagonists: stalkers, psychopaths, pedos, who are usually just used as antagonists instead she uses them as antiheroes, even in the last minute/chapter/s.
I also like that sensei just left Maiko's father. He already served his time in prison and tried to live the rest of his life in a better way, his atonement. It's just that I remember the hate Rogi from Jealousy by Scarlet Beriko got. What he did was unforgivable, but that doesn't mean that he should stay chained to his sins, specially when he wanted to change.
I hope we get an extra chapter, an epilogue to the epilogue in ch 6. I want to see life from Kei's eyes.

maybe the oyaji himself suffered from some trauma or mental illness and he himself was a victim and the cycle repeats
I think Harada's work are about: when shit happens to someone, some bad stuff that leaves a big scar and ,belive it or not, things that can't be cured, how does he keeps on living with that scar
clearly sensei point of view is to keep on going, even if it's hard, than to sink in sorrow and commit a suicide

I thought that, too, since the theme seemed like it was about the cycle of rape/pedophilia. I also noticed that Oyaji sounded like a nice guy when he told Kei that they should stop their relationship because Maiko's on the way. I mean by nice guy is that he genuinely loved Kei at some point because he realized they needed to stop. He wasn't all too greedy with their relationship. So yeah, he was maybe another victim when he was younger.
He probably had the same questions/frustrations Kei had, specially when he was indicted. Well, I can't add to that anymore since there's little information.
Chapt 6 chinese raws are out so here is the summary
Chapter starts with a little flashback on Kei's part, I'll use dialogue here.
Mother: How disappointing
Mother: Your work is a lie, the thing with a lover is also a lie. All you do is just reading all this weird books.
Kei: ........
Mother: You are already at this age. Do you really still need us to educate you like how we did before?
Mother: Go and throw all these away, this instant. Then come back to home right after. Do not continue and bring more shame to us, and be a proper person.
*Kei's face is pretty much self explanatory here, one of an anxiety attack*
Skipping to the present we have Yui and Maiko having a conversation.
Yui is complaining how Kei is longer meeting him even though he went to see him everyday.
Maiko questions if what they did was over the line which Yui replied him having no idea about it but he did indeed confirm his feeling with Kei.
Right when Yui was contemplating about how weird it was, Maiko talked about how when she was deleting everything, she found an apartment contract termination letter where to Yui's shock, as he didn't know he asked why didn't Maiko tell him sooner which she only replied that she forgot about it and just remembered.
Yui then said that Kei's parents are most likely there to make him go back to his old home. Then Maiko talked about how Kei's parents are the kind thats so stubborn where they wouldn't budge no matter what so they must be serious about bringing Kei back home. Right when Yui was feeling sympathy to how Kei's is going to be bound, Maiko interrupted him with the 'If you leave I will spread all those photos' and asked Yui's opinion on it. Yui talked about how she seems to be enjoying all this where she just stood up and gave the bye bye, while saying how she resented Kei. Last panel is just how the other boys are talking about how Yui strike on a really nice girl and getting jealous which Yui just replied with them day dreaming too much.
While Yui is walking back home, he was thinking about how what if even after spreading those photos he still can't make Kei stay and escaping, which ends with him thinking about stalking Kei by observing him at all times, he saw the moving truck in front of Kei's place. Yui instantly ran over towards Kei and grab onto him. (I will be using dialogues here)
Yui: Why!? I really don't get what do you mean at this point!!
Kei: ... You.. are too clingy/greedy
Yui: Do you plan to move out from here?
Yui: Why? Is it not enough?
Yui: Me... My...
Kei: No.. No....
Kei: I just wanted to live my life normally
Kei: I'm already tired from all this resisting
Yui: .... Poor you, to be forced into this kind of a corner...
Kei: That kind of choice, was a mistake.
Yui: Hey, at least, I'm no longer a child
Yui: Look... right...
Kei: I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess
Kei: I am not just a coward, but also a sick, cunning and shameless adult
*Right after Yui tried to kiss on Kei, he got pushed back*
*Then Kei started having some sort of panic/anxiety attack*
Kei: Can't do anything, no responsibility, so heavy, I'm scared, I want to escape, I'm sorry, so sorry
Yui: Don't do the same thing Maiko's dad did to you...
Yui: Don't run away, wait for me.
Yui: Leave everything behind and come to my side.
Yui: Nii-chan, I'm begging you.
Yui: The only one who can forgive and understand nii-chan, in this world, is me and me only.
Kei: Goodbye, Yui.
Time skips to Kei at his own home.
Mother: Kei, welcome back, come and give your greetings
Kei: .... And this woman is?
Mother: Someone I have sought to cure you of your disease.
Kei: Disease...
Woman: There are many people of 'that' kind became like that because of a tragic past
Woman: Don't worry and leave it all to me
Woman: This is just a treatment.
*The following panels were all voices, which i presumed to be by the woman and the mother*
Woman: You don't have any feminine traits right?
Woman: It's all that pervert's fault for teaching you all that weird stuff.
Woman: Mother said that we had to make you get used to this.
Woman: We must cure you no matter what.
Mother: The money, we will take it of it so don't think too much of it.
Mother: Kei, please listen to mother.
Mother: Just take it as a practice, okay?
Mother: We only wanted you to live your happy life as a normal person.
*Scene skips to the woman performing sexual acts with Kei and Kei have been vomiting*
Woman: You have been vomiting every time, looks like this is not a light case.
*It then cuts out to a completely black screen with the words, 'Even with this, do I still count as an abnormal?'*
Scene cuts to Kei contemplating about things.
He have been thinking that after the Ojisan has embraced him, his body has become weird. Even when he masturbated, he would be doing the strange/perverted things.
And to confirm his 'abnormality' he put his hands on a child like Yui, and the aim was such an ugly sight. Even though he have been in all this pain, he started to wonder, what is the ojisan doing now?
A voice started to call out to Kei, turns out it was the mother. She was nagging how he have been sitting at home the whole day and doing nothing, and that beats the whole purpose of bringing him home. Then Kei started to walk out, under the pretense of 'searching for a job cuz its right about time.'
He then arrived at a detective place and asked for them to look for his 'sensei'.
Skips again to Yui and Maiko. The cheery blossoms are blossoming early this year, albeit the cold weather. They had some small talk about their exam results where they both passed. But Yui is not happy. The message he sent was not even read (I'm assuming he sent it to Kei). He then talked about how he should just go to Kei's home but was refuted by Maiko about how that would just make things messier. Yui went silent after that but the silence was broken when Maiko mentioned that its not gonna be easy for Kei to stay at home for so long, so even after he went back, he would still someday escape from it, and reassuring Yui to not worry.
Yui then talked about how he was scared of Maiko right from the start, Maiko replied if Yui wanted a fight then talked about how Yui have a terrible personality and stuff, small talk whatever.
Skips to Kei again, with him already having the report from the detectives, he is wandering around a district and found the ojisan. He greeted the old man a good morning with a speeding heartbeat where the ojisan only replied if Kei has anything to do with him as if he completely doesn't know him. A child then ran out of the house (the ojisan's kid) with the mother telling him the hurry up cuz he gonna be late, right after that when he turned back, Kei has already been gone.
*Kei threw away the detective report* (I'll do the monologue translation)
It has already been 19 years. Its to be expected, he doesn't know.
It's not that I'm expecting anything, its just that, thinking about what I should do. Clearly, it clearly it just that... Ah.. This pain... This cruelty...
[Don't do the same thing to me, what Maiko's father did you to]
I did...the same thing to Yui... At the same place, dragged him into this mess... Made him cry... And what did I gain? Satisfaction? Yui...
Skips back to Kei coming back home
Mother: Kei, welcome back, we have been waiting for you for so long.
Kei: Enough, go back.
Mother: What are you talking about, we have spent so much on your treatment
Kei: I say, I'm not sick
Kei: What is normality?
Kei: Is it being able to do what you want to do?
Kei: But I really don't understand
Kei: I really don't
Time skip again to Yui, at this point he is all grown up as a uni student. Short hair girl is Maiko after her new refreshing haircut.
Maiko talked about how Yui has changed, as if he is more relaxed now.
It's already summer and he still have not gotten a reply from Kei.
Yui talked about how he doesn't want to wait anymore and wanted to use the summer to find out Kei's home which Maiko joked about how Yui is being like a stalker now.
Yui talked about how he is not going to accept how things are right now especially after him confirming both their feelings to be mutual. Maiko then talked about how she have no idea how does Yui view this but the bonds and relation between family (Kei and his family) are really hard to cut off.
Yui depressingly talked about how maybe he is not worth for Kei to cut off ties with his family and Maiko is just cheering him up right after. Right when Yui was talking about how Maiko is being a total tsundere he spotted someone that looked like Kei but turns out he was mistaken.
Maiko talked about how he gave her a scare and he explained what he jz saw. Maiko then told Yui to turn around where Kei was literally standing behind him.
(I will be using dialogue again for this part)
Kei: Yui...
Kei: I have been hesitating if I should contact you...
Kei: ...Coincidentally.. We really met again... coincidentally...
Yui: Niichan...
Yui: I... I have always.. Been waiting for you...
*Maiko getting irritated*
Maiko: Im going back
Kei: Uhm.. that... wait... Maiko-chan...
*Maiko clearly really angry as hell and sits the eff down (Behind her 'Huh? Maiko-chan? [RAGE]*
Kei: With ojisan.... Your father... I met him...
Then Kei proceeded to talk about his adventures back in home and stuff.
About how after he got back home, his parents, using treatment as an excuse, forced him to partake with 'interactions' (sex and shit) with women.
About how with some investigation, he found out how Maiko's father had built a new family.
About how 'ojisan' doesn't even remember his face
and finally, about how he can no longer make peace with his parents and decided to leave the house.
Kei: To ojisan... To maiko's father... When I talked to him
Kei: He just asked 'Is there something?'
Kei: With an expression of 'who is this?'
Kei: Everything just turned as if it is all meaningless, then every time I thought about Yui, it felt really painful.
Kei: I relayed my intention to my parents
Kei: Why can't he grow up like a proper person? It's all that man's fault, messing up Kei's life completely, making my parents cry as its the worst have happened.
Kei: Spending all that months to talk and communicate with me but in the end, they cannot understand me.
Yui: Nii-chan, you have done well.
Yui: After this, what do you plan to do?
Kei: I want to, take responsibility. Yui, I understand now, there is only you.
Kei: Only you can undestand me, only you will choose me.
Yui: Prove it, Kiss me, right here, right now.
Kei starts to tense up and get really nervous
Yui: Don't worry, don't be afraid
Kei: People are watching
Yui: It's okay, only I am watching
*The crowd is looking at them and some of them can't believe their eyes to what they are about to see*
Voice A: Its a gay couple
Voice B: They are kissing
Voice C: Really?!
Voice D: It's my first time seeing something like this
Yui: Kei.. Kei.. It's okay, don't bother about the other people.
Some guys are talking to take a vid of it where Maiko just kicks their chair over.
Yui: There is nothing at all, right?
Kei: yeah...
They kissed abit more and the chapter ends with Yui asking Kei, 'Can you make a promise with me? That you will never run away again.'