I'm torn like: This is so beautiful and the premise seems so cool to me; I really like Gen...

ymmik March 8, 2017 5:32 pm

I'm torn like:
This is so beautiful and the premise seems so cool to me; I really like General Zei and Caihong
But I'm also low-key like is the borderline furry territory? Is this bestiality?

    Anonymous March 9, 2017 2:19 am

    Totally not beastiality, I've read a lot of mangas which they are an ACTUAL ANIMAL. So I think it's more furry. Also the Zhen is a bird that has human features. :P

    Anonymous May 9, 2017 6:59 am

    Yes and no. In terms of how the zhen appears biologically, he seems more like a human with avian features than a bird with human limbs. In terms of the worldview however, it can be considered bestiality seeing how they treat them as animals (restrain them, put them in zoos, etc.) This isnt too bad, but if this is enough to put you off, i dont judge ya.