Jinx is very interesting as a plot and it deserves the hype you all wannabe right or idk c...

YourMochi July 31, 2024 10:39 am

Jinx is very interesting as a plot and it deserves the hype you all wannabe right or idk can get the fk out if you don't like it and stop spouting nonsense to make you point right cause eJinx deserves its popularity instead of the other popular stories where the Mc is in relationship with the rapist and they ignore it just because he has feelings for the Mc lmao delusionas trashes

    lev July 31, 2024 4:08 pm

    yap session

    YourMochi July 31, 2024 8:42 pm
    yap session lev

    Facts session ...stay mad npc

    LGtfo August 1, 2024 4:54 am

    Mochi, you should prob not go into the comments anymorepeople on here love hating on this manhwa so save your mental health and don’t look through them. It’s a waste of time arguing with them. Just saying since I see u replying to the haters. At the end of the day, these two will get together so seeing all the discourse is funny.

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 12:24 pm
    Mochi, you should prob not go into the comments anymorepeople on here love hating on this manhwa so save your mental health and don’t look through them. It’s a waste of time arguing with them. Just saying s... LGtfo

    You are totally right from what I understood people will make up anything to hate something so I'll stop ...thank you for the advice:3

    Akaito August 1, 2024 6:15 pm
    You are totally right from what I understood people will make up anything to hate something so I'll stop ...thank you for the advice:3 YourMochi

    I don't think that a lot of the people who are criticizing the Webtoon are criticizing it for the right reasons, but have you actually tried to understand where people are coming from? You do understand that this Webtoon might potentially do the thing (if it hasn't already, which, I think it has) you're saying it isn't doing, right? Can I ask why you keep saying in other comments that Jaekyung hasn't been raping Dan?

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 7:14 pm
    I don't think that a lot of the people who are criticizing the Webtoon are criticizing it for the right reasons, but have you actually tried to understand where people are coming from? You do understand that th... Akaito

    Thank you for being kind enough to make a question for me but I got tired talking to people who can't understand what they read and just hate something cause they dont have anything else to do so im gonna stop answering :p ... have a nice day !

    Akaito August 1, 2024 8:23 pm
    Thank you for being kind enough to make a question for me but I got tired talking to people who can't understand what they read and just hate something cause they dont have anything else to do so im gonna stop ... YourMochi

    But I really do want to understand why you don’t believe it’s rape occurring here. What do you think I’m misunderstanding about the story to have come to a wrong conclusion? I don’t know about you but this is very important to me. Yes, the story is fictional, but coming to an incorrect conclusion about this has big, real life implications in terms of how we think about and approach rape and sexual assault and consent overall, so I want to get it straight.

    You can go read my other comments elsewhere if you believe I’m just a blind hater. You’ll see that I’ve read the Webtoon and considered it seriously, and that while I do certainly have my critiques, I am willing to point out and discuss what it’s done well, too. I came to read this precisely to see whether or not the negative attention it was receiving was warranted or not.

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 8:51 pm
    But I really do want to understand why you don’t believe it’s rape occurring here. What do you think I’m misunderstanding about the story to have come to a wrong conclusion? I don’t know about you but t... Akaito

    I'm only gonna say he paid Dan for the sec as in prostitute and Dan had the choice to not accept his offer it's that simple

    Akaito August 1, 2024 9:05 pm
    I'm only gonna say he paid Dan for the sec as in prostitute and Dan had the choice to not accept his offer it's that simple YourMochi

    So can I present you with a hypothetical? If you were starving on the streets on the brink of death, and someone said they would give you food, but only if you had sex with them first, would you say no?

    Akaito August 1, 2024 9:08 pm
    So can I present you with a hypothetical? If you were starving on the streets on the brink of death, and someone said they would give you food, but only if you had sex with them first, would you say no? Akaito

    More importantly, would it be EASY for you to say no? Would it be easy for you to say no if you were starving and weak and had no other options to get food? No food banks around, no money, no one willing to serve you free food, or even give you the money to buy yourself something. Would it be easy for you to say no to that person, knowing that if you say no, you may not later get the opportunity to get yourself any food?

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 9:31 pm
    So can I present you with a hypothetical? If you were starving on the streets on the brink of death, and someone said they would give you food, but only if you had sex with them first, would you say no? Akaito

    I don't know but I wouldn't expect charity from a stranger like what does that has to do with ? Everyone has problems but no one is obligated to give you money for free lol

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 9:32 pm
    More importantly, would it be EASY for you to say no? Would it be easy for you to say no if you were starving and weak and had no other options to get food? No food banks around, no money, no one willing to ser... Akaito

    Dude so but no one's gonna do charity and you can't expect some random to come pay your bills and all good like wth

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 10:07 pm
    More importantly, would it be EASY for you to say no? Would it be easy for you to say no if you were starving and weak and had no other options to get food? No food banks around, no money, no one willing to ser... Akaito

    And lastly you didn't answer with a simple yes or no you just use excuses for whatever reason.....Was Jk clear when he said that he will pay his dept in exchange for sex yes or no?

    Akaito August 1, 2024 10:49 pm
    And lastly you didn't answer with a simple yes or no you just use excuses for whatever reason.....Was Jk clear when he said that he will pay his dept in exchange for sex yes or no? YourMochi

    I'm not using excuses, I'm trying to talk you through a hypothetical exercise so that hopefully you can understand where I and many others are coming from when we say that what is occurring between Jaekyung and Dan is rape. The answer is yes, Jaekyung was clear. And also yes, Dan did not have to say yes to his offer.

    What I'm trying to illustrate with my example is that just because someone is given the choice to do something, doesn't always mean it's a meaningful choice. And just because someone says yes to one thing, doesn't mean that they're saying yes to other things/doesn't mean that they deserve certain treatment.

    In the example I'm trying to give you, it's not about whether or not the person offering you money owes you anything or not—they don't (technically) owe you anything, they're giving you the money of their own free volition on the condition that you have sex with them. It's about how the "choice" you're given is unfair and renders it not a real choice. It's not like me making the choice to have vanilla ice cream vs. chocolate ice cream, where there's no real consequences to which I pick. Here, your choices are to either starve and die, OR participate in sex you wouldn't otherwise participate in in order to continue to live. When your options are live or die, can it really be said that you have a choice? Would it really be fair of me to tell you to just choose to starve to death? Or that it was your fault for getting brutalized if you chose to live instead, and instead of having gentle sex, that person beat the shit out of you while doing it? Surely the answer is no, right?

    This is similar to the situation that Dan is in when Jaekyung approaches him. Dan wasn't quite on the streets yet, but he was about to be. We see his home get demolished later and he would've been homeless if not for Jaekyung's money. He was very poor and in crippling debt. Even the doctor that comes to check in on him after Dan PASSES OUT from how brutally Jaekyang had been treating him says that he's malnourished—a condition you only get if you're starving and not eating the right foods. On top of that, his grandma was in the hospital with CANCER, which was putting him into even deeper financial trouble. Dan wasn't able to make any real/good money on his own either, since his former boss made it so that he couldn't get a job in his field and had to work odd jobs to sustain himself. On top of ALL that, Jaekyang is an MMA fighter with a temper. He regularly brutalizes people on a whim. If I'm remembering correctly, Dan walked into the apartment that first time at the moment that Jaekyung was beating up his ex, right? Dan had no reason to believe that he would be spared that brutality if he said or did the wrong thing. And Jaekyung is very popular, he has status. He could've also easily further ruined Dan's jobs prospects, and Dan, with no money or name of his own, wouldn't have been able to do much about it.

    With all of that in mind, can you say that Dan had a real, meaningful choice in the matter of getting involved with Jaekyung? Can you say that it would've been easy for him to just say no to a life-changing amount of money? Money that would take him out of poverty? Money that could save his loved one? Is that a real choice to you? One where Dan wouldn't suffer major consequences either way?

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 10:56 pm

    I never blamed Dan for his choice but he knew that Jk is trash but he was clear like he did say it that whenever and wherever he wants to they will do it and Dan knew that he is toxic and all but still accepted it we all know why he did but that's was his only option on the other side tho it is Jk who is a stranger to Dan we all know what he is but as I said again he was clear like he would pay him only with those conditions and that's what makes the story sad ...rape is when one hasn't agree but Dan did and the reason doesn't matter at least not to Jk .....like why can you not understand it ??

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 11:01 pm
    I'm not using excuses, I'm trying to talk you through a hypothetical exercise so that hopefully you can understand where I and many others are coming from when we say that what is occurring between Jaekyung and... Akaito

    Yet again you ignored the most important part and that is he paid for it

    Akaito August 1, 2024 11:18 pm
    I never blamed Dan for his choice but he knew that Jk is trash but he was clear like he did say it that whenever and wherever he wants to they will do it and Dan knew that he is toxic and all but still accepted... YourMochi

    I'm not saying you were blaming Dan, and I'm not saying that Jaekyung had been ambiguous about what the agreement would be. The point is that Dan felt pressured into making a decision and doing things that he would not otherwise have done. If he was not in poverty, in crippling debt, taking care of a terminally ill grandmother, and having to work with a man who regularly uses intimidation and violence to get his way, he would not have felt pressured to work for Jaekyung and he would not have ultimately chosen to work with Jaekyung. Let's not forget that Jaekyung would have cancelled Dan's physical therapy gig ALTOGETHER UNLESS Dan agreed to have sex with him on top of it. I've already said how Dan was having trouble finding jobs in his own field—again, this would've been his only real opportunity to do this.

    The point is that Dan does not have any real agency in this situation, he does not really have the luxury to just say no. He could've said no, but it would've come with severe consequences. Jaekyung knew this to an extent and that is why when Dan DOES first say no, Jaekyung just threatens to not pay him at all and find a different PT. And so if he can't actually say no, and he wouldn't have said yes if he was not in desperate circumstances, then he is still not being given a real choice. Not having a choice = non-consent. Non-consent = rape.

    Akaito August 1, 2024 11:28 pm
    I'm not saying you were blaming Dan, and I'm not saying that Jaekyung had been ambiguous about what the agreement would be. The point is that Dan felt pressured into making a decision and doing things that he w... Akaito

    To clarify I'm not saying this isn't complicated. It is. There are many factors at play here and "choice" is in and of itself a very ambiguous concept when you actually start to interrogate it. If you don't want to see the first instance of Dan agreeing with having sex with Jaekyung as ultimately being rape/something very non-consensual then...like I disagree with you a lot on that but as long as you understand the power dynamics at play that make it UNFAIR and that Jaekyung was not at all right to make that kind of offer to Dan in the first place, that is, I think, more important to me than anything else.

    But after that you can't say that each instance of intercourse between these two people was consensual. Dan may have agreed to sex but he did not agree to rough, brutalizing sex. He did not agree to verbal and physical and sexual abuse. And in fact he repeatedly expresses his pain, discomfort, and NON-CONSENT to what Jaekyung does to him. He tells Jaekyung to stop, or at least slow down or be gentler, and Jaekyung refuses. He asks Jaekyung if they can have sex elsewhere instead of in public and Jaekyung refuses. He asks if Jaekyung can use a condom instead of going in him raw and he refuses.

    Let's use another hypothetical to demonstrate what I mean. If I offer you a drink, and you say yes to that drink, but I don't tell you that I've drugged your drink, did you consent to being drugged just because you said yes to my offer of a drink?

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 11:30 pm

    Jk didn't pressure him to accept the offer and there's consent when he accepts the money
    Dan should search a different way to earn money at the end of the day cause before accepting his offer he saw how of an asshole Jk was and non consent when Dan got the money makes no senses ....we say the same things again and again there won't be an end to this

    YourMochi August 1, 2024 11:34 pm
    To clarify I'm not saying this isn't complicated. It is. There are many factors at play here and "choice" is in and of itself a very ambiguous concept when you actually start to interrogate it. If you don't wan... Akaito

    Dan knew that Jk was toxic and an asshole before the agreement so with the same mind I wouldn't accept it because I know you are toxic and trash .....am I making it clear?