Just 20cm Away From You

Serena July 31, 2024 2:33 am

This one was okay. It has three different story couples.
What I really wasn’t fond of when reading this one was the first story. The brown haired guy was being stubborn when white hair dude kept asking him to stay and move in with him and brown hair didn’t want to and he would also laugh at dude when they were having sex when the white haired guy would say “I love You” during sex and brown haired boy would laugh and never say it back…. I honestly feel like brown hair doesn’t deserve the white hair guy cause he actually loves brown hair boy and brown hair is just playing with him… idk I don’t like that. Also he be hitting him sometimes. The abusive relationship is crazy. LEAVEEEEE HIM WHITE HAIR GUY! Other than that the manga was good. OH ALSO, I didn’t like when brown hair guy saw a younger picture of white hair guy and was like if he was a girl that would totally be his type but then goes on to date another MAN that looks exactly like the younger version of the white hair guy. Like wtf, the white hair guy obviously likes u and you’re having sex with him and u go and date the other guy when u just said you’re trying to be normal and get a girlfriend?? Utter bullshit. That guy definitely needs to get his priorities straight.
