So it was kinda consensual?

Katak (certified hater) July 31, 2024 12:39 am

Aside from the fact that my man was just entering his heat and probs not in the right head space, BUT THE REAL ISSUE HERE. why they got 2 pairs of ears man.... They hearing double or smth

    DreamGlee July 31, 2024 1:26 am

    I didn’t even realize until I saw this comment. Maybe they got sonic super hearing now

    Nana July 31, 2024 1:52 am

    now you made it look weird why did you have to point it out

    sleepy_sh July 31, 2024 1:55 am

    They are for "humans" hearing and for "animals" hearing

    Nana July 31, 2024 2:10 am
    They are for "humans" hearing and for "animals" hearing sleepy_sh

    sooo how do the hear….?

    Katak (certified hater) July 31, 2024 2:20 am
    They are for "humans" hearing and for "animals" hearing sleepy_sh

    .... Does that amplifies their hearing

    bi-lateral_general July 31, 2024 4:50 am

    The animal ears likely have no hearing functionality and are just a biproduct of tithe way they hey evolved into more humanoid shapes. The ears are more part of the hair than the ears at that point.

    NightmarishLand July 31, 2024 5:35 am

    I think one of the problems is that human head is not shaped to have ears that grows above... And in turn, if the artist wants it realistically, our ears will shaped like an animal's but doesn't look nice aesthetically... If do it aesthetically however, removing human ears will look a bit harder to draw or looks uncanny/weird(although can be solve by covering it with hair but it can limit hairstyles)... Some artist just say f*ck it and draw with or without human ears (whatever looks best)... I think the best ears with animal characteristics is that bunny girl in MHA but it works cuz she has long ears...

    NightmarishLand July 31, 2024 5:38 am
    I think one of the problems is that human head is not shaped to have ears that grows above... And in turn, if the artist wants it realistically, our ears will shaped like an animal's but doesn't look nice aesth... NightmarishLand

    Tldr... It's just easier to draw them with 4 ears instead of thinking it anatomically

    bi-lateral_general July 31, 2024 5:55 am
    I think one of the problems is that human head is not shaped to have ears that grows above... And in turn, if the artist wants it realistically, our ears will shaped like an animal's but doesn't look nice aesth... NightmarishLand

    Final Fantasy XIV has only ears on top and they handle the weirdness of the jaw connecting directly the side of the face pretty well. Not to dispute what you said persay but just to share an instance of the opposite actually working.

    FIXiE July 31, 2024 8:02 am
    The animal ears likely have no hearing functionality and are just a biproduct of tithe way they hey evolved into more humanoid shapes. The ears are more part of the hair than the ears at that point. bi-lateral_general

    so its basically hair? if something evolves to have other limbs such as ears the other ears shouldn't be there because the species have evolved to better the species meaning they lose useless limbs to keep the species balanced, after all human ears have very poor hearing, they have no use for them and it throws of the anatomy balance, meaning the human ears shouldn't really be the human and animal ears looks weird and causes it to not be aesthetically pleasing. (srry for the mouthful almost paragrapgh, im just a BIG science and species evolution geek, i cant help it!) ┗( T﹏T )┛

    bi-lateral_general July 31, 2024 8:56 am
    so its basically hair? if something evolves to have other limbs such as ears the other ears shouldn't be there because the species have evolved to better the species meaning they lose useless limbs to keep the ... FIXiE

    Evolution does not always support what is “better”, as humans we are actually quite frail for instance. I obviously have 0 idea why artists choose to keep both sets of ears, but I find it silly that so many people are angry about it. The ears could easily be more about signaling than they are about hearing. For instance, canines have body language cues that go as far as their ears.
    If we are talking about useless appendages, than they should have no tails either. But no one complains about that.
    So what you find to be aesthetically displeasing may actually be great for someone else. As stated before, the way the jaw connects to the neck can look really off when you remove the human ears.

    Claire July 31, 2024 12:53 pm

    what are "ears" ??

    Katak (certified hater) July 31, 2024 1:18 pm
    what are "ears" ?? Claire

    Ear, the one besides the head, they're two and are used for hearing
    (sorry of this comes off as condescending/offensive, I'm replying assuming you're asking bc you genuinely don't knowidk how to explain this better)

    NightmarishLand July 31, 2024 1:44 pm
    Final Fantasy XIV has only ears on top and they handle the weirdness of the jaw connecting directly the side of the face pretty well. Not to dispute what you said persay but just to share an instance of the opp... bi-lateral_general

    Yea, I know what you are saying. It's just majority of the artist just don't want to think anatomically and just wants the aesthetics of animal characteristics on a human body...

    Amazing of them to be able to work around it. Thank you for sharing tho, I will look up to that for reference because having 2 sets of ears does irk me a bit lol

    sleepy_sh July 31, 2024 3:35 pm

    This is Supernatural so it doesn't need to have any logical meaning. Everything is possible. It can be just a fashion choice, they are there, because it looks better. Mainly, I think it's based on author.

    I just want with "animal ears is so they can understand animals and human ears is for normal hearing" bc this is what others told me.

    Claire July 31, 2024 6:17 pm
    Ear, the one besides the head, they're two and are used for hearing(sorry of this comes off as condescending/offensive, I'm replying assuming you're asking bc you genuinely don't knowidk how to explain this bet... Katak (certified hater)

    lmaooo i was making a csm reference sorry if i confused you i may have spent 2 hours in er yesterday but i am still able to think ig

    sleepy_sh July 31, 2024 7:09 pm

    *sorry, accident click dislike

    Catscratch September 7, 2024 9:46 am

    Everytime I come across these stories, the double ears bother me like crazy.

    sleepy_sh September 7, 2024 10:04 am
    Everytime I come across these stories, the double ears bother me like crazy. Catscratch

    Really? I never thought it could be that bad?!
    I just see it as a cosplays with moving ears.

    Katak (certified hater) September 7, 2024 10:08 am
    Really? I never thought it could be that bad?! I just see it as a cosplays with moving ears. sleepy_sh

    Personally when irl cosplayers does this idrc but when artists does this with their "anthropomorphic" storyline it does bothers me lmao