I came here bc of the Olympics video that had so many comments of jinx but after reading t...

Tanssia July 30, 2024 10:38 pm

I came here bc of the Olympics video that had so many comments of jinx but after reading the comments I'm not sure whether to read it or not

    Persistent Quill July 30, 2024 11:24 pm

    Most of the comments here are from haters. If you like toxic stories you may like it. The haters have silenced many voices. Don’t judge on their opinions. The only opinion that matters here is yours. Don’t let anyone influence how you would feel about a genre or story before you read it.

    drat July 31, 2024 8:39 am

    It's mostly fetishized and eroticised rape, but it still has shooters. All the best if you decide to read it.

    YourMochi July 31, 2024 10:42 am

    There's not eroricised rape ...ignore that hater
    You should read it if you like a toxic and interesting story

    fellaine July 31, 2024 2:29 pm

    Don't. This story literally fetishizes rape and romanticizes abuse. The mere fact that the fans lightens the term by simply saying that it's "toxic" and complimenting it by stating that it's interesting is something else, it lightens the weight of the power dynamics presented, as if they're not in a slave and master relationship now, where said slave is continuously beaten up and taken advantage of sexually. It's not just "toxic", the characters and plot aren't that "interesting" enough compared to that, nor will they be redeemable, just the mere fact that those two will be end game shows how low quality this story is. It's garbage.

    YourMochi July 31, 2024 8:43 pm
    Don't. This story literally fetishizes rape and romanticizes abuse. The mere fact that the fans lightens the term by simply saying that it's "toxic" and complimenting it by stating that it's interesting is some... fellaine

    Yapping and stating nothing you just wanna hate because you don't like the story and others like it get a life

    fellaine July 31, 2024 9:51 pm
    Yapping and stating nothing you just wanna hate because you don't like the story and others like it get a life YourMochi

    It's called criticism, maybe if you read something worth while for once you would have broadened your vocabulary enough to know about it. But since you continue to rot your brain with rape plots I suppose that's a tas but too much to ask.

    fellaine July 31, 2024 10:04 pm
    It's called criticism, maybe if you read something worth while for once you would have broadened your vocabulary enough to know about it. But since you continue to rot your brain with rape plots I suppose that'... fellaine

    tad bit* anyways, see I would've agreed with you that the story was "interesting" if it actually properly explored how their relationship is toxic, as in, unredeemable. Because how exactly can you look at their dynamic and not see a slave and master one, having seen continuous physical abuse and rape? But no. You regard this story as if it's one of the greatest plots to happen, romanticizing it as something "interesting" and worth while to read, deserving of its popularity as a "toxic relationship, that will turn into a chasing arc and romance in the end" like no. More so when your own argument for any worth while criticism or review about this manhwa is "YOU'RE A HATER" that just sounds like problematic behavior, are you perhaps projecting? It sounds like you're the one that needs to get a life. It is normal for people to not feel the same way about a manhwa and comment about it so that other readers who has the same taste as them would have to think twice, like maybe now; but you are so adamant that THIS fetishized rape plot is one of the greatest literary works to ever be published, written without flaw is so wrong. Please exercise your critical thinking skills while you're at it with broadening your vocabulary, because this is honestly concerning.

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 4:25 am
    Don't. This story literally fetishizes rape and romanticizes abuse. The mere fact that the fans lightens the term by simply saying that it's "toxic" and complimenting it by stating that it's interesting is some... fellaine

    “This story literally fetishizes rape and romanticizes abuse.”
    That is false.

    “The mere fact that the fans lightens the term by simply saying that it's "toxic" and complimenting it by stating that it's interesting is something else, it lightens the weight of the power dynamics presented, as if they're not in a slave and master relationship now”

    They never had a romantic relationship. They never dated. They had a transactional relationship as boss and employee.

    “ where said slave is continuously beaten up and taken advantage of sexually.”
    Dan was continuously beaten up by the loan sharks until like chapter 16. You are implying it was Jaekyung. That is disgusting. Has he been take advantage of?

    This below is a bias review.

    It's not just "toxic", the characters and plot aren't that "interesting" enough compared to that, nor will they be redeemable, just the mere fact that those two will be end game shows how low quality this story is. It's garbage.

    You are trying to provoke fans and try to get op not to read it with your lies.

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 4:27 am
    It's called criticism, maybe if you read something worth while for once you would have broadened your vocabulary enough to know about it. But since you continue to rot your brain with rape plots I suppose that'... fellaine

    You are assuming and retorted to ad hominems and arguments and strawman arguments. Thanks for sharing you are a hater here to cause confusion and issues instead of a honest review.

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 4:29 am
    tad bit* anyways, see I would've agreed with you that the story was "interesting" if it actually properly explored how their relationship is toxic, as in, unredeemable. Because how exactly can you look at their... fellaine

    Too many strawman arguments and attacking with assumptions. I stop reading about half way through.

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 4:30 am
    It's mostly fetishized and eroticised rape, but it still has shooters. All the best if you decide to read it. drat

    The first sentence is not accurate.

    fellaine August 1, 2024 4:37 am
    You are assuming and retorted to ad hominems and arguments and strawman arguments. Thanks for sharing you are a hater here to cause confusion and issues instead of a honest review. Persistent Quill

    your replies are so funny, are we gonna act smart on rape porn now? "Too many assumptions" too many rape scenes

    fellaine August 1, 2024 4:44 am
    The first sentence is not accurate. Persistent Quill

    you mentioning strawman arguments and fallacies like it's your lifeline will not change the fact that this manhwa is problematic. The dedication put into protecting garbage is honestly laughable. Being pretentious with your words doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look stupid. This IS rape porn. The power dynamics and non consent presented in each chapter DESPITE them being in a contractual (isn't even followed because horse face continuously uses the loophole that in the end, he has the power) relationship is enough.

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 5:05 am
    your replies are so funny, are we gonna act smart on rape porn now? "Too many assumptions" too many rape scenes fellaine

    There is no rape. And yaoi is not porn.
    My replies most had stung. Upset are you?

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 5:10 am
    you mentioning strawman arguments and fallacies like it's your lifeline will not change the fact that this manhwa is problematic. The dedication put into protecting garbage is honestly laughable. Being pretenti... fellaine

    Okay. I have said this story is problematic. See the strawman argument you used? You are deflecting yourself here. There is no rape and yaoi is not porn.
    I have talked about the power dynamics and non consent. I am seeing you have a case to prove sexual assault instead of rape. You are attacking to just attack without knowing some one’s pov. That is foolish.

    Non-consensual acts can encompass a wide range of behaviors, including coercion, manipulation, and other forms of abuse that may not meet the legal or conventional definitions of rape. For instance, prostitution under coercive circumstances can be non-consensual without being classified as rape.

    Critiquing the story for its portrayal of toxic relationships is valid, and we agree that such dynamics should not be romanticized. However, misrepresenting the specific nature of the abuse can lead to misunderstandings and unproductive discussions. Let's strive for accuracy and honesty in our discussions to ensure a constructive dialogue.

    Dan actually has the power.

    fellaine August 1, 2024 5:37 am

    OH then shall we describe their relationship as a "story featuring sexual coercion with an imbalanced power dynamic resulting in a toxic relationship, that involves sexual assault and physical abuse"? honestly, your arguments are so soulless, you're not even here to present any valid points, just here to say "you're illogical" to any other person. You're just spouting technological arguments for the sake of it, as if saying "erm it's actually sexual assault" to an argument that states that this is rape porn, which by the way, still stands to reason that it is. Non consent is still rape. Which was shown MULTIPLE times in this manhwa, Dan saying "stop" "wait" etc. and horse face not stopping and instead threatening him with "you don't want the money then" is rape. That's rape. You should read on consent more, because saying "stop" even in the middle of it, and your "partner" not following through and instead threatening you with your very much evident power dynamic is rape, as well as yes, coercion and manipulation.

    And no I'm laughing at your replies actually, like I said, it makes you look stupid, I've been giggling at your AI looking arguments.

    To Persistent Quill since I can't seem to reply to you, did you get so hurt by my replies that you blocked me or something? AHAHA

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 6:16 am
    OH then shall we describe their relationship as a "story featuring sexual coercion with an imbalanced power dynamic resulting in a toxic relationship, that involves sexual assault and physical abuse"? honestly,... fellaine

    I blocked you for petty bullying and unproductive comments. You are saying you are laughing but that is just provoke me and it is easy to detect with the baseless accusations, insults, bullying, and the deflection.
    Your comments are bad faith and your criticism is just bad faith criticism.
    It is interesting that you find humor in our conversation while resorting to insults. It seems like projecting insecurity onto others is your way of coping. Instead of saying you are laughing to provoke a reaction or fight , maybe we could have a more constructive dialogue? But that is why I blocked you, you rather hurt others instead of having a constructive discussion.
    It’s always more rewarding to engage in meaningful discussions rather than resorting to petty comments.
    The facts are Jinx has no rape. Yaoi is not porn. I was not arguing or had any arguments.
    There is nothing you can do about that. No amount of bullying will change those facts. You are describing you as you are deflecting and projecting. Your attacks are unwarranted and overly aggressive. You are trying to harm others while being misinformed to feel better about yourself. I am not the one that looks stupid.

    fellaine August 1, 2024 6:30 am

    ohhh so you blocked me because you can't face that your pretentious replies aren't as smart as you think they are! Plus the fact that you ignored my take on how non consent is rape, it is, it is rape and you're still deflecting from it. You acting smart defending said problematic behavior is not a productive discussion, you preach so much about "haters" silencing those who likes this manhwa but block me, rendering me unable to directly reply to your nonsensical takes. You're a hypocrite and a rape defender.

    byun euijoo's gay ass August 1, 2024 6:49 am
    I blocked you for petty bullying and unproductive comments. You are saying you are laughing but that is just provoke me and it is easy to detect with the baseless accusations, insults, bullying, and the defl... Persistent Quill

    bro is chat gpting his way to life

    Persistent Quill August 1, 2024 7:17 am
    ohhh so you blocked me because you can't face that your pretentious replies aren't as smart as you think they are! Plus the fact that you ignored my take on how non consent is rape, it is, it is rape and you're... fellaine

    Your statements reflects your insecurities, like your first sentence as relies on a strawman argument. I did not ignore your previous post, where I discussed how non-consensual acts can encompass a wide range of behaviors beyond the legal definition of rape. While rape is indeed non-consensual, not all non-consensual acts meet the criteria for rape.
    Your opinion appears uneducated and dismissive of the facts. When considering all details, Jinx’s behavior, while toxic and problematic, does not align with the legal definition of rape. I refrain from posting personal opinions.
    I am not defending problematic behavior; rather, I emphasize the importance of factual accuracy. Your aggressive approach, fixated on labeling others as rape defenders, detracts from meaningful discussion. Let’s engage in a more constructive dialogue.
    It seems you are reacting as a hater, exaggerating the story’s issues. Such comments, contradictory to the facts, lack value. You have deflected and labeled yourself as in insecure hypocritical rape defender. Let’s focus on respectful discourse.
    Labeling me a rape defender because you believe there is rape in a story I’m supposedly ignoring is both disrespectful and incorrect. If we apply reverse psychology using your logic, wouldn’t that make you a rapist for introducing rape into a story? Your resort to insults, logical fallacies, bullying, and misuse of terms to harm others is concerning.
    None of your comments were directed at me personally or what I said. I blocked you due to your disgusting and ill-mannered behavior. It’s alarming how you treat people. Engaging with you is counterproductive when you respond with insults and strawman arguments, revealing your ignorance, insecurities and malicious intent. I choose not to engage with such hostility.