how tf rielle easily getting access to places on short notice especially if she ill and sh...

needlei July 30, 2024 4:33 pm

how tf rielle easily getting access to places on short notice especially if she ill and should be under constant watch....girl the plot armor

    TwistedCupid August 26, 2024 5:20 pm

    This is so dumb. Like, the dude finds the boat that belong to his dead brother that died a decade ago? Like a long time ago just lying on the floor. Look it makes no sense. Okay so the guy who did it, was he going to do? Okay so what if it's a souvenir someone may ask? Okay so then why would you leave the souvenir just lying on the floor like a sticky note from your last semester's class? Like that doesn't make sense. If somebody was collecting a souvenir for some horrible act that they committed, I don't think it would leave it out in the open on in on the floor? There there wasn't a safe or it was even like trying to hide it. It just basically like, oh well toss it to the floor and nobody cleaned it up a decade later? Like didn't this happen like 10 years ago or something? And the thing is still there?