I was going to critique you because you shouldn't be reading this if you because it doesn't suit your tastes but I don't feel like arguing rn
So I'll just say that this side story barely lasts a chapter, and if you want a little spoiler. We're def getting some story on them the next 6 chapters, and ryeong possibly unblinds who knows

Are you aware that this is also a fantasy and drama novel? It’s gonna have fantasy and drama elements, lol. If it doesn’t suit your tastes, then drop it, but don’t complain about this story just because you’re not fond of reading novels without substance or culture or a plot point that goes deeper than two people having sex 30 chapters in. Such a shame that the author and artists get comments that the story is dragging on such a beautiful piece of work, but I guess having a story with real emotional development and genuine internal/external conflicts isn’t for everyone.

lol you seem very heated that ppl cant take an opinion, but clearly from yhis response you can't either.
That being said, while I do get the frustration of not seeing more of the main duo, from the beginning I feel like Paljae has always been about the stories of the people within the world and how they mix and interact with our main characters. I find it builds a very in depth world and setting

Bc people are trying to invalid MY opinion instead of doing what you just did and share your thoughts that differ from my own. I would have gladly discussed how your understanding of the story and mine differ. Teach me something that I may have missed in this story. As complex and nonlinear as this story is I find it very easy for anyone to get lost trying to follow along, especially with the new characters, side stories and sometimes irregular updates we get.
That being said, I’m still intrigued, hence why I’m still up to date, but am I not allow to feel that some of these stories go very in depth with another cast of characters that I don’t think is entirely necessary? Am I not allowed to comment that paljae and ryeong’s story could be told with the same or similar complexity without bringing in new characters every other chapter?
Whether or not you like how I expressed myself the first time is irrelevant. But You best believe that I’ll defend my opinion with the same or stronger energy.

Ya i get it, I dont think your original response was that triggering or warranting of the hate, but the moment you make make toxic responses in kind that's when discussion goes down the drain.
Probably the main thing is just that the story telling format is not ur vibe. I think of this more as an episodic thing with an overarching plot, series like Natume Yuujinchou and Mushishi where it's like standalone episodes each their own story. So if youre not into the individual stories then it might be hard for you to enjoy
As much as I love the art and the story between Paljae and ryeong, holy FUCK does this story draaaaaagg on and on and on. I’ve skipped most of the other character’s scenes and am still able to keep up with this story. Tells you that nearly ALL of these side stories and so entirely unnecessary to the main plot. For the love of GAWD can we stick to the main couple and their story only before I go insane???! I really really really really don’t care about these side stories.