Yeah i thought he was aware , but he is in denial or what ?? That's just crazy the way he said that. _ it feels like a '' spy story '' where the ML is playing a double identity, like on one hand he's gay on the other hand he's not. _ it seems he has a very strict education and he still lives under his parents' roof, probably we will have to wait until he lives on his own (or together with the MC) for him to be able to live aligned with how he feels ? _ i like to see how MC is so authentic and true to himself. (While still protectng himself somehow) _ maybe he is going to seize the occasion to come out to both of his friends, Bitchsung will have time to meditate on that !! _ i like this story !! It's real, like Lost in the Cloud, but wilthout the traumatizedxtraumatized stuff. It feels real with no sugar coating but also not traumatic i appreciate that !
lets look at it from another point of view.. I think bitchsung said what he said not because he's homophobic but he's disgusted and can't accept the possibility of MC being together with another except him (´∀`)