I want to start this manga but i'm not sure. Is it cliché and predictable? Is the bottom ...

LeaveMeAlonePls July 30, 2024 8:52 am

I want to start this manga but i'm not sure. Is it cliché and predictable? Is the bottom always emotional and needy and crying, and despite being a trained agent is always the one getting in trouble and rescued? Is the top the same generic type that that only sees the bottom as a sex toy? Will they always be a blushy hesitant stuttering mess, with repetitive childish misunderstandings?

If anybody read it help me out (⌒▽⌒)

    Moondae4ever July 30, 2024 8:56 am

    I dont think so? Esp the sex toy thing def not he does kinda get rescued but its more of because their partners and thats their job kinda thing except the top is a complete simp eventhough he kinda got rejected alr but like its hard to explain without spoiling too much huhu but ye not rlly cliche in most parts like crying and the sex and stuff

    My own reply confused me help

    LeaveMeAlonePls July 30, 2024 9:01 am
    I dont think so? Esp the sex toy thing def not he does kinda get rescued but its more of because their partners and thats their job kinda thing except the top is a complete simp eventhough he kinda got rejected... Moondae4ever

    It's okay I don't mind spoilers, and thanks for the reply. I just keep seeing comments that it's confusing or the story is predictable so yeah.

    Sinia July 30, 2024 9:54 am

    Fortunately, the story is probably the furthest it can ever be from your prediction.

    But I get you though, some action BL drew me in with their badass MC only for it to turn out dogshit

    Bobbington August 4, 2024 11:06 pm

    Nah fam, it's good. There's some mild issues with the plot (just writing missteps), but the main characters are all great. I know exactly what you mean and we've had enough bad "love" stories.

    Lore August 5, 2024 12:13 am

    No cause why is this literally like 87% of BL

    ice cube August 5, 2024 5:33 am

    I like it, it’s pretty unpredictable just bc the story is written kinda odd but the main couple doesn’t fit the stereotypes of BL, I’d give it a read!

    Risu August 6, 2024 9:44 am
    Fortunately, the story is probably the furthest it can ever be from your prediction. But I get you though, some action BL drew me in with their badass MC only for it to turn out dogshit Sinia

    too real