No slap on the wrist please

AXCEL July 30, 2024 7:03 am

Thank you for the update!!! I'm looking forward to the next chapter

I do hope that over generalizing and assumptious band member doesn't go unaddressed :S
(Like that one web novel I read....... he was a factor in the breakup of 2 lovebirds)

    Aeriii July 30, 2024 6:26 pm

    Can you spill the title of that webnovel if you don't mind? So I can shit on that loverbreaker too hehehe

    AXCEL July 31, 2024 2:21 am
    Can you spill the title of that webnovel if you don't mind? So I can shit on that loverbreaker too hehehe Aeriii

    Spring Lady (found in f o x a h o l i c 18)
    - a band mamber was also such a shit on her & took no effort to actually get to know the FeMC (just like bowl cut here, except no romantic feelings) And when she did broke up w/ML, he STILL somewhat shit on her for making ML an emotional mess (like "it's ur fault he's so depressed. Why'd go into a relationship w/him only to dump him like that".... like wtf)
    And they never frigging addressed it after the issue was resooolvedd
    - oh! Be warned tho it's smut w/a bit of dub-con