Depends on how you look at relationships. If my boyfriend and I had a fight and he left home, I would be fucking pissed! And for me it makes Mafuyu look like an immature brat while Ue is the only one who grew up and still has to deal with these childish behaviors. I used to defend their relationship when they were teenagers, but now it just feels like they’re never on the same page, and that Mafuyu is just living his life without including Ue in it. Might be wrong though, this is what I’m feeling from these few chapters. And tbh it’s getting really repetitive. It’s like the author wants to believe that Mafuyu is the only natural talent, but Ue is super talented as well with all his hard work! I’m starting to think Ue deserves a better relationship than this.

Seems to me like you're pinning everything on Mafuyu unjustly. They were both being immature by being unable to compromise and talk it out calmly, that wasn't only Mafuyu. Ue was acting the exact same way. Mafuyu recognized that he wouldn't be able express himself well, so he left for a few hours. It's not like he left while Ue was begging to talk or for him to stay, that'd be different. Seems like this was the norm for them and that Ue didn't mind it at all (if he did they didn't show it).
As for Mayufu going out doing his thing, we don't really know much about how Ue feels about it. They both seem busy doing their own thing but are trying their best to spend time together when they can. If that works for them then who are we to say that Ue is compromising and unhappy? Where were we shown Mafuyu straight up denying Ue's feelings about how things are? We didn't see when they made these decisions, since it probably happened somewhere in the 10 year span, and unless they state it directly, I'm not gonna assume that Ue is unhappy with their arrangement.
I personally also don't think the author is trying to paint Mafuyu and Ue's talents as Ue being inferior or anything. They just have their own things going on. Mafuyu's natural talent has of course always been a big part of the series, so it's not weird they're putting some emphasis on it. If anything, didn't the author show just how hard working and talented Ue is in these chapters? They focused on him way more than Mafuyu.
Those are just my thought about it though, it feeling repetitive is a valid critisim of course. It's only chapter 3 so I'm not sure how to feel about it yet tho hahahah.

"They're never on the same page" ??!??! Wdym???? Actually if you actually READ this, you'll understand how fight like this help both ue and mafuyu. MAFUYU finally could argue with someone he loves without being guilty about it! Remember the last time he argue with yuki, how did it end? Exactly. But im glad that ITS UE who is with him. And UE literally is just the same as mafuyu. And believe me, arguing about things we love, is FUN. Idk if you ever have a relationship where the two of you like or obsessed with the same things. ITS FUN bcs both of you know, it wont last long, you still on the same boat at the end of the day. It could be a two sided knife ofc, it could end bitterly like ugetsu and aki but THANK GOD mafu and ue is just fine like this. And WDYFM with "ue deserve a better relationship than this"?? I dont fckin get this every time someone just said "oh ue deserve better" bs bcs UE AND MAFUYU DEFINITELY deserve each others. Period. They match each others freak and ue, have always proven that he is different than yuki. He is the perfect match for mafu and nobody but ue deserve mafuyu. All your opinions just somehow made you seen as a non given reader ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ig its a language problem

I’m with you!! I said it on Reddit before but the only relationship that looks happy is the straight side character couple (I can’t remember names lol)
I’m literally sick of this, I really hoped by now they have a grown up relationship, sharing their life together in harmony etc but I can’t see or feel it

So (as opposed to us who, apparently, didn't even read the manga, lol) you -as the ever knowledgeable Given reader- agree that every little thing about their rls is STILL all about Yuki, correct? That's what you're saying here? Unprompted? Bc I agree, oh I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. The author seems to be stuck in the beginning of the story and doesn't let Mafu move on from that at all so he can form a healthy rls with Ue who is incredibly patient, my god, he is a saint in this story.

lol so you think you’re a better reader just because what? Your opinion is different? Imagine living in a world where we all the same opinion as you, it would be boring as fuck XD I think we all read manga and interpret relationships differently, what makes you think you understand this better than me or anyone else? Grow the fuck up before telling me what you think I am you fucking clown

Exactly this! These mfs really think a healthy relationship is about fighting all the time because it makes them grow up lol what Mafuyu is doing is preventing Ue from finding true love. He’s so dependent on Ue that he can’t even function properly, and his mental age is still of a child, he’s stuck on the time he lost Yuki, and he will never get over it, not without some hardcore therapy lol and in the meantime he’s taking his anger and making Ue carry his own issues plus whatever the fuck Mafuyu is feeling at the time. 10 years later and it all still revolves around Mafuyu because he’s the “genius”. This is going on the same path as Aki and Ugetsu… and we all know who got alone in the end ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

They're in their late 20s now. I ALSO AM IN MY LATE 20s and I feel like I'm still reading the story of a couple of teenagers. It's cute to read high school stories to look at them with cuteness and nostalgia, but as soon as the protagonists are close to my age, I expect a little bit more maturity, you know? I don't know why so many authors insist on doing a "X years after" and their characters seem to have not grown even a little bit.
Ue and mafu STILL not being wholly happy is just fking bullsht. It feels like the author just doesn't want them to be content because their favorite character in the manga can never be...you could always feel them almost punishing Ue in the org manga too.