Who hurt you? I don't know why you are so triggered by the word "slut," and I know it's a bad word, but making an argument about this is so not okay. It's okay to comment on things, but this is a yaoi manhwa. Things happen. And it's not directed at you. I apologize if you were offended by this. Nobodies perfect.

Pffft. All this yapping and cursing just coz i don't like the usage of certain words in normal sentences where they don't fit and I find them crassy? Were you so traumatized and controlled and not allowed free thought and speech as a child that you don't feel okay with anyone having their own opinions about A WORD too? My condolences . Must be sad. Also just coz I read some stories doesn't mean I have to be okay with some words.( News flash those stories are not mine nor are the words used in it). It's like saying that if people consume porn in private they should be okay with people fucking in the wild too. And these words you wrote in this sentence, eewww. It's crassy af. The language on some of y'all is so disgusting. That's how I feel. Go Cry about it. I can just imagine how much you stink in person too. Get a job, some help and a deo.

BRO SAYS PFFFFT OUT LOUD IM CRYING?? my bored message bothered you huh, all this yapping just to sound like shit on the actual ground okay!
some of us are normal and speak eloquently unlike your very dim headed ass. my condolences to your parents who ended up with a smelly bum immature fujo who needs a job and better hobbies. you’re sensitive, crass, and bad at english. the defense and excuse for reading rapey smut with men fucking makes absolutely no sense LMAO, go cry about it. rotted from inside out. you’re a dozen! dozen write well, dozen speak well, dozen have intellect, dozen work, dozen do… anything honestly! be disgusting but embrace a shower and seek real friends! your stench is making everyone within a 5 mile radius run away from you :(

i am the only person you keep replying to so i know i struck a nerve. called insults hysteria but not your own sensitivity to a fictional character being called slut PLEASE u cannot make this up
there’s no purpose in pretending to be nonchalant, but yes keep being pathetic and cry over it because it’s funnier and funnier every time (▰˘◡˘▰)

I'm replying to you specifically coz you are the level of crassy I was talking about. Your sentences and choice of words has proven that again and again. Yuck. You're the most hysterical person I have seen in the longest time, going gaga over someone not liking a word on the internet. Most of the times i have sympathy for crazy people but the entitled crazies of the internet, folks like you are fun to tease so yeah I keep hitting you where it hurts. Heh. Having a good laugh over you losing it. Keep up the entertainment. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

you are very stupid and lame that its… embarrassing. all you can do is copy my insults as an attempt to rile me up and say im the one upset? please u must be really hurt huh. it was 3 am when i saw your idiotic comments and replied as a form of entertainment because i couldn’t fathom someone being this airheaded and quite shallow for real but here we are. we can see you losing it and everyone is literally pointing and laughing at you
ive never seen main character syndrome this bad before. no one cares about you im sorry i had to tell you that. we all think you’re dumb and replied for giggles then went about our day, but i know you can’t fathom that concept you are cringe and far more hysterical than any person here but yes cope harder
Taeju out here with two pretty dad's okay slut